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#lang racket/base
(require racket/match racket/dict racket/format racket/string racket/sequence "int.rkt" "base.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (length-resolvable? x)
(or (not x) (symbol? x) (xenomorphic? x) (procedure? x) (exact-nonnegative-integer? x)))
(define (resolve-length x port [parent #f])
(match x
[#false #false]
[(? exact-nonnegative-integer?) x]
[(? procedure? proc) (proc parent)]
[(? symbol? key) #:when parent (dict-ref parent key)]
[(? x:int?) #:when port (decode x port)]
[_ (raise-argument-error 'resolve-length "fixed-size argument" x)]))
(define (pretty-print-bytes bstr
#:radix [radix 16]
#:offset-min-width [offset-min-width 4]
#:row-length [bytes-per-row 16]
#:max-value [max-value 256])
(define bs (bytes->list bstr))
(define offset-str-length
(max offset-min-width
(string-length (let ([lbs (length bs)])
(~r (- lbs (remainder lbs bytes-per-row)))))))
(for/list ([row-bs (in-slice bytes-per-row bs)]
[ridx (in-naturals)])
(let ([idxstr (~r (* ridx bytes-per-row))])
(string-append idxstr
(make-string (- offset-str-length (string-length idxstr)) #\space)))
" "
(let* ([max-digit-width (string-length (~r (sub1 max-value) #:base radix))]
[strs (for/list ([b (in-list row-bs)])
(~r b #:base radix #:min-width max-digit-width #:pad-string "0"))])
(for/list ([2strs (in-slice 2 strs)])
(string-join 2strs "·"))) " ")
(let ([shortfall (* (- bytes-per-row (length row-bs)) 3)])
(make-string shortfall #\space))
" "
(format "~a" (bytes->string/utf-8 (apply bytes row-bs))))) "\n")))