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#lang racket/base
(require "base.rkt" racket/class racket/match)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define x:optional%
(class x:base%
(init-field [(@type type)] [(@condition condition)])
(unless (xenomorphic-type? @type)
(raise-argument-error 'x:optional"xenomorphic type" @type))
(define (resolve-condition parent)
(match @condition
[(? procedure? proc) (proc parent)]
[val val]))
(define/augment (x:decode port parent)
(when (resolve-condition parent)
(send @type x:decode port parent)))
(define/augment (x:encode val port [parent #f])
(when (resolve-condition parent)
(send @type x:encode val port parent)))
(define/augment (x:size [val #f] [parent #f])
(if (resolve-condition parent) (send @type x:size val parent) 0))))
(define no-val (gensym))
(define (x:optional [type-arg #f] [cond-arg no-val]
#:type [type-kwarg #f]
#:condition [cond-kwarg no-val]
#:pre-encode [pre-proc #f]
#:post-decode [post-proc #f]
#:base-class [base-class x:optional%])
(define type (or type-arg type-kwarg))
(define condition (cond
[(and (eq? cond-arg no-val) (eq? cond-kwarg no-val)) #true]
[(not (eq? cond-arg no-val)) cond-arg]
[(not (eq? cond-kwarg no-val)) cond-kwarg]))
(new (generate-subclass base-class pre-proc post-proc) [type type] [condition condition]))