You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

135 lines
3.5 KiB

#lang br
(require racket/draw)
(provide PDFDocument)
(define PDFDocument
(class pdf-dc%
(init-field [options (hasheq)])
(let ([output-file (hash-ref options 'out "outrkt.pdf")])
(super-new [interactive #f]
[parent #f]
[use-paper-bbox #f]
[as-eps #f]
[width #f]
[height #f]
[output (open-output-file output-file #:exists 'replace)]))
;; PDF version
(field [version 1.3])
;; Whether streams should be compressed
(field [compress (hash-ref options 'compress #t)])
(define _pageBuffer null)
(define _pageBufferStart 0)
;; The PDF object store
(define _offsets null)
(define _waiting 0)
(define _ended #f)
(define _offset 0)
(define _root (ref
(hasheq 'Type 'Catalog'
'Pages (ref
(hasheq 'Type 'Pages'
'Count 0
'Kids empty)))))
;; The current page
(field [page #f])
;; todo
;; Initialize mixins
;; Initialize the metadata
(field [info (hasheq
'Producer 'PitfallKit'
'Creator 'PitfallKit'
'CreationDate (seconds->date (current-seconds)))])
(when (hash-ref options 'info #f)
(for ([(key val) (in-hash (hash-ref options 'info))])
(hash-set! info key val)))
;; Write the header
;; PDF version
(_write (format "%PDF-#{~a}" version))
(_write (format "%~a~a~a~a" #xFF #xFF #xFF #xFF))
;; Add the first page
#;(unless (not (hash-ref options 'autoFirstPage #t))
(addPage)) ; todo
;; todo
;;mixin = (methods) =>
;;for name, method of methods
;;this::[name] = method
;; todo
;; Load mixins
;mixin require './mixins/color'
;mixin require './mixins/vector'
;mixin require './mixins/fonts'
;mixin require './mixins/text'
;mixin require './mixins/images'
;mixin require './mixins/annotations'
(field [x 0])
(field [y 0])
(define _ctm null)
(define/public (addPage [options options])
;; end the current page if needed
(unless (hash-ref options 'bufferPages #f)
;; create a page object
(define page 42) ; todo new PDFPage(this, options)
(push! _pageBuffer page)
;; add the page to the object store
(define pages (make-hasheq)) ; todo
(hash-update! pages 'Kids (λ (val) (cons 42 val)) null) ; todo @page.dictionary
(hash-update! pages 'Count add1 0)
;; reset x and y coordinates
(set! x 42) ;; todo @page.margins.left
(set! y 42) ;; todo
;; flip PDF coordinate system so that the origin is in
;; the top left rather than the bottom left
(set! _ctm '(1 0 0 1 0 0))
;; (transform 1 0 0 -1 0 @page.height) ;; todo
;; @emit('pageAdded') ;; todo
(define/public (flushPages)
42) ; temp
(define/public (ref . xs)
42) ; temp
(define/public (_write . xs)
42) ; temp
(define (end-doc) 'done) ; tempo
(override end-doc)
(define _info #f)
(define/public (end)
(end-doc)))) ; temp
(define doc (make-object PDFDocument (hasheq 'out "testrkt0.pdf")))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (send doc end) 'done))