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#lang debug racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (current-line-height doc [include-gap #f])
(send ($doc-current-font doc) line-height ($doc-current-font-size doc) include-gap))
(define (font doc src [size-or-family #f] [maybe-size #f])
(match-define (list family size)
(match size-or-family
[(? number?) (list #f size-or-family)]
[_ (list size-or-family maybe-size)]))
;; check registered fonts if src is a string
(define cache-key
(match src
[(? string?) #:when (hash-has-key? ($doc-registered-fonts doc) src)
(define ck src)
(set! src (hash-ref (hash-ref ($doc-registered-fonts doc) ck) 'src))
(set! family (hash-ref (hash-ref ($doc-registered-fonts doc) ck) 'family))
[_ (match (or family src)
[(? string? str) str]
[_ #false])]))
(when size (font-size doc size))
(match (hash-ref ($doc-font-families doc) cache-key #f) ; check if the font is already in the PDF
[(? values val) (set-$doc-current-font! doc val)]
[_ ; if not, load the font
(set-$doc-font-count! doc (add1 ($doc-font-count doc)))
(define id (string->symbol (format "F~a" ($doc-font-count doc))))
(set-$doc-current-font! doc (PDFFont-open src family id))
;; check for existing font families with the same name already in the PDF
(match (hash-ref ($doc-font-families doc) (get-field name ($doc-current-font doc)) #f)
[(? values font) (set-$doc-current-font! doc font)]
[_ ;; save the font for reuse later
(when cache-key (hash-set! ($doc-font-families doc) cache-key ($doc-current-font doc)))
(hash-set! ($doc-font-families doc) (get-field name ($doc-current-font doc)) ($doc-current-font doc))])])
(define (font-size doc size)
(set-$doc-current-font-size! doc size)
(define (fonts-mixin [% object%])
(class %
(field [@font-families (make-hash)]
[@font-count 0]
[(@current-font-size current-font-size) 12] ; font state used by text.rkt
[(@current-font current-font) #f] ; font state used by text.rkt
[@registered-fonts (make-hash)])
(define/public (font src [size-or-family #f] [maybe-size #f])
(match-define (list family size)
(match size-or-family
[(? number?) (list #f size-or-family)]
[_ (list size-or-family maybe-size)]))
;; check registered fonts if src is a string
(define cache-key
(match src
[(? string?) #:when (hash-has-key? @registered-fonts src)
(define ck src)
(set! src (hash-ref (hash-ref @registered-fonts ck) 'src))
(set! family (hash-ref (hash-ref @registered-fonts ck) 'family))
[_ (match (or family src)
[(? string? str) str]
[_ #false])]))
(when size (font-size size))
(match (hash-ref @font-families cache-key #f) ; check if the font is already in the PDF
[(? values val) (set! @current-font val)]
[_ ; if not, load the font
(set! @font-count (add1 @font-count))
(define id (string->symbol (format "F~a" @font-count)))
(set! @current-font (PDFFont-open src family id))
;; check for existing font families with the same name already in the PDF
(match (hash-ref @font-families (get-field name @current-font) #f)
[(? values font) (set! @current-font font)]
[_ ;; save the font for reuse later
(when cache-key (hash-set! @font-families cache-key @current-font))
(hash-set! @font-families (get-field name @current-font) @current-font)])])
(define/public (font-size size)
(set! @current-font-size size)
(define/public (register-font name src [family #f])
(hash-set! @registered-fonts name (make-hash (list (cons 'src src)
(cons 'family family))))
(module+ test
(define fo (new (fonts-mixin))))