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250 lines
14 KiB

#lang racket/base
(require rackunit
"versioned struct: decode should get version from number type"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'gender uint8)))])
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x00\x05roxyb\x15")])
(check-equal? (decode vstruct) (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 x:version-key 0)))
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x01\x0aroxyb 🤘\x15\x00"))])
(check-equal? (decode vstruct) (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 🤘" 'age 21 x:version-key 1 'gender 0)))))
"versioned struct: decode should throw for unknown version"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'gender uint8)))])
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x05\x05roxyb\x15")])
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (decode vstruct))))))
"versioned struct: decode should support common header block"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
'header (dictify 'age uint8
'alive uint8)
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii))
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'gender uint8)))])
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x00\x15\x01\x05roxyb")])
(check-equal? (decode vstruct) (mhasheq 'name "roxyb"
'age 21
'alive 1
x:version-key 0)))
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x01\x15\x01\x0aroxyb 🤘\x00"))])
(check-equal? (decode vstruct) (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 🤘"
'age 21
x:version-key 1
'alive 1
'gender 0)))))
"versioned struct: decode should support parent version key"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct x:version-key
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'gender uint8)))])
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x05roxyb\x15")])
(check-equal? (decode vstruct #:parent (mhash x:version-key 0))
(mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 x:version-key 0)))
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x0aroxyb 🤘\x15\x00"))])
(check-equal? (decode vstruct #:parent (mhash x:version-key 1))
(mhasheq 'name "roxyb 🤘" 'age 21 x:version-key 1 'gender 0)))))
"versioned struct: decode should support sub versioned structs"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string uint8))
1 (dictify 'name (x:string uint8)
'isDessert uint8)))))])
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x00\x05roxyb\x15")])
(check-equal? (decode vstruct #:parent (mhash x:version-key 0))
(mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 x:version-key 0)))
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x01\x00\x05pasta")])
(check-equal? (decode vstruct #:parent (mhash x:version-key 0))
(mhasheq 'name "pasta" x:version-key 0)))
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x01\x01\x09ice cream\x01")])
(check-equal? (decode vstruct #:parent (mhash x:version-key 0))
(mhasheq 'name "ice cream" 'isDessert 1 x:version-key 1)))))
"versioned struct: decode should support process hook"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct #:post-decode (λ (val) (hash-set! val 'processed "true") val)
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'gender uint8)))])
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x00\x05roxyb\x15")])
(check-equal? (decode vstruct)
(mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'processed "true" 'age 21 x:version-key 0)))))
"versioned struct: size should compute the correct size"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'gender uint8)))])
(check-equal? (size vstruct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb"
'age 21
x:version-key 0)) 8)
(check-equal? (size vstruct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 🤘"
'gender 0
'age 21
x:version-key 1)) 14)))
"versioned struct: size should throw for unknown version"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'gender uint8)))])
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (size vstruct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 x:version-key 5))))))
"versioned struct: size should support common header block"
(let ([struct (x:versioned-struct uint8
'header (dictify 'age uint8
'alive uint8)
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii))
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'gender uint8)))])
(check-equal? (size struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'alive 1 x:version-key 0)) 9)
(check-equal? (size struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 🤘" 'gender 0 'age 21 'alive 1 x:version-key 1)) 15)))
"versioned struct: size should compute the correct size with pointers"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'ptr (x:pointer #:offset-type uint8
#:type (x:string uint8)))))])
(check-equal? (size vstruct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb"
'age 21
x:version-key 1
'ptr "hello")) 15)))
"versioned struct: size should throw if no value is given"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'gender uint8)))])
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (size vstruct)))))
"versioned struct: encode should encode objects to buffers"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'gender uint8)))]
[op (open-output-bytes)])
(encode vstruct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 x:version-key 0) op)
(encode vstruct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 🤘" 'age 21 'gender 0 x:version-key 1) op)
(check-equal? (get-output-bytes op) (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x00\x05roxyb\x15\x01\x0aroxyb 🤘\x15\x00"))))
"versioned struct: encode should throw for unknown version"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'gender uint8)))]
[op (open-output-bytes)])
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode vstruct op (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 x:version-key 5))))))
"versioned struct: encode should support common header block"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
'header (dictify 'age uint8
'alive uint8)
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii))
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'gender uint8)))]
[op (open-output-bytes)])
(encode vstruct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'alive 1 x:version-key 0) op)
(encode vstruct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 🤘" 'gender 0 'age 21 'alive 1 x:version-key 1) op)
(check-equal? (get-output-bytes op) (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x00\x15\x01\x05roxyb\x01\x15\x01\x0aroxyb 🤘\x00"))))
"versioned struct: encode should encode pointer data after structure"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'ptr (x:pointer #:offset-type uint8
#:type (x:string uint8)))))]
[op (open-output-bytes)])
(encode vstruct (mhasheq x:version-key 1 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'ptr "hello") op)
(check-equal? (get-output-bytes op) (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x01\x05roxyb\x15\x09\x05hello"))))
"versioned struct: encode should support preEncode hook"
(let ([vstruct (x:versioned-struct uint8
0 (dictify 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'ascii)
'age uint8)
1 (x:struct 'name (x:string #:length uint8 #:encoding 'utf8)
'age uint8
'gender uint8)))]
[op (open-output-bytes)])
(set-pre-encode! vstruct (λ (val) (hash-set! val x:version-key (if (hash-ref val 'gender #f) 1 0)) val))
(encode vstruct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 x:version-key 0) op)
(encode vstruct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 🤘" 'age 21 'gender 0) op)
(check-equal? (get-output-bytes op) (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x00\x05roxyb\x15\x01\x0aroxyb 🤘\x15\x00"))))