You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

95 lines
2.6 KiB

#lang at-exp br
(require pitfall/render)
;; catalog object
(co-io 1 0 (co-catalog #:pages (co-io-ref 2 0)))
;; pages
(co-io 2 0 (co-pages #:kids (list (co-io-ref 3 0))
#:count 1))
;; page
(co-io 3 0 (co-page #:parent (co-io-ref 2 0)
#:mediabox '(0 0 400 400)
#:resources (co-io-ref 4 0)
#:contents (co-io-ref 5 0)
; the value of annots must be an array
#:annots (co-array (list (co-io-ref 7 0)))
#;#:annots (co-io-ref 7 0)
;; resources
(co-io 4 0
'ProcSet (co-array '(PDF Text))
'Font (make-co-dict 'F1 (co-io-ref 6 0))))
;; contents
(co-io 5 0
/F1 48 Tf
(Hello World 1-1!) Tj
;; font
(let ([last-char 255])
(co-io 6 0
'Type 'Font
'Subtype 'Type1
'Name 'F1
'BaseFont 'Helvetica
'FontDescriptor (co-io-ref 9 0)
'FirstChar 0
'LastChar last-char
;; widths can only hold 256 apparently?
'Widths (report (co-array
(for/list ([i (in-range (add1 last-char))])
;; 29 is magic number: this is offset betwee
;; ascii value and character index
;; so A (ascii 65) lives at index 36
(define ascii-index-offset 29)
(if (<= ascii-index-offset i)
(measure-char-idx "fira.otf" (- i ascii-index-offset))
'Encoding 'MacRomanEncoding)))
(co-io 7 0
(make-co-dict 'Type 'Annot
'Subtype 'Link
'Rect (co-array '(100 100 150 125))
'A (co-io-ref 8 0)))
(co-io 8 0
(make-co-dict 'Type 'Action
'URI (co-string "")))
(co-io 9 0
'Type 'FontDescriptor
'FontName 'FiraSansOTMedium
'FontFile3 (co-io-ref 10 0)
'Flags 4
'FontBBox (co-array '(-177 -269 1123 866))
'MissingWidth 255
'StemV 105
'StemH 45
'CapHeight 660
'XHeight 394
'Ascent 720
'Descent -270
'Leading 83
'MaxWidth 1212
'AvgWidth 478
'ItalicAngle 0))
(co-io 10 0 (make-font-co-stream "fira.otf")))