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## We can build up a probability distribution like this (p. 469):
>>> P = ProbDist()
>>> P['sunny'] = 0.7
>>> P['rain'] = 0.2
>>> P['cloudy'] = 0.08
>>> P['snow'] = 0.02
## and query it like this:
>>> P['rain']
## A Joint Probability Distribution is dealt with like this (p. 475):
>>> P = JointProbDist(['Toothache', 'Cavity', 'Catch'])
>>> T, F = True, False
>>> P[T, T, T] = 0.108; P[T, T, F] = 0.012; P[F, T, T] = 0.072; P[F, T, F] = 0.008
>>> P[T, F, T] = 0.016; P[T, F, F] = 0.064; P[F, F, T] = 0.144; P[F, F, F] = 0.576
>>> P[T, T, T]
## Ask for P(Cavity|Toothache=T)
>>> PC = enumerate_joint_ask('Cavity', {'Toothache': T}, P)
>>> PC.prob
{False: 0.39999999999999997, True: 0.59999999999999998}
>>> 0.6-epsilon < PC[T] < 0.6+epsilon
>>> 0.4-epsilon < PC[F] < 0.4+epsilon