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assert = require 'assert'
UnicodeTrieBuilder = require '../builder'
UnicodeTrie = require '../'
describe 'unicode trie', ->
it 'set', ->
trie = new UnicodeTrieBuilder 10, 666
trie.set 0x4567, 99
assert.equal trie.get(0x4566), 10
assert.equal trie.get(0x4567), 99
assert.equal trie.get(-1), 666
assert.equal trie.get(0x110000), 666
it 'set -> compacted trie', ->
t = new UnicodeTrieBuilder 10, 666
t.set 0x4567, 99
trie = t.freeze()
assert.equal trie.get(0x4566), 10
assert.equal trie.get(0x4567), 99
assert.equal trie.get(-1), 666
assert.equal trie.get(0x110000), 666
it 'setRange', ->
trie = new UnicodeTrieBuilder 10, 666
trie.setRange 13, 6666, 7788, false
trie.setRange 6000, 7000, 9900, true
assert.equal trie.get(12), 10
assert.equal trie.get(13), 7788
assert.equal trie.get(5999), 7788
assert.equal trie.get(6000), 9900
assert.equal trie.get(7000), 9900
assert.equal trie.get(7001), 10
assert.equal trie.get(0x110000), 666
it 'setRange -> compacted trie', ->
t = new UnicodeTrieBuilder 10, 666
t.setRange 13, 6666, 7788, false
t.setRange 6000, 7000, 9900, true
trie = t.freeze()
assert.equal trie.get(12), 10
assert.equal trie.get(13), 7788
assert.equal trie.get(5999), 7788
assert.equal trie.get(6000), 9900
assert.equal trie.get(7000), 9900
assert.equal trie.get(7001), 10
assert.equal trie.get(0x110000), 666
it 'should work with compressed serialization format', ->
t = new UnicodeTrieBuilder 10, 666
t.setRange 13, 6666, 7788, false
t.setRange 6000, 7000, 9900, true
buf = t.toBuffer()
trie = new UnicodeTrie buf
assert.equal trie.get(12), 10
assert.equal trie.get(13), 7788
assert.equal trie.get(5999), 7788
assert.equal trie.get(6000), 9900
assert.equal trie.get(7000), 9900
assert.equal trie.get(7001), 10
assert.equal trie.get(0x110000), 666
rangeTests = [
ranges: [
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0x40, 0, 0 ],
[ 0x40, 0xe7, 0x1234, 0 ],
[ 0xe7, 0x3400, 0, 0 ],
[ 0x3400, 0x9fa6, 0x6162, 0 ],
[ 0x9fa6, 0xda9e, 0x3132, 0 ],
[ 0xdada, 0xeeee, 0x87ff, 0 ],
[ 0xeeee, 0x11111, 1, 0 ],
[ 0x11111, 0x44444, 0x6162, 0 ],
[ 0x44444, 0x60003, 0, 0 ],
[ 0xf0003, 0xf0004, 0xf, 0 ],
[ 0xf0004, 0xf0006, 0x10, 0 ],
[ 0xf0006, 0xf0007, 0x11, 0 ],
[ 0xf0007, 0xf0040, 0x12, 0 ],
[ 0xf0040, 0x110000, 0, 0 ]
check: [
[ 0, 0 ],
[ 0x40, 0 ],
[ 0xe7, 0x1234 ],
[ 0x3400, 0 ],
[ 0x9fa6, 0x6162 ],
[ 0xda9e, 0x3132 ],
[ 0xdada, 0 ],
[ 0xeeee, 0x87ff ],
[ 0x11111, 1 ],
[ 0x44444, 0x6162 ],
[ 0xf0003, 0 ],
[ 0xf0004, 0xf ],
[ 0xf0006, 0x10 ],
[ 0xf0007, 0x11 ],
[ 0xf0040, 0x12 ],
[ 0x110000, 0 ]
# set some interesting overlapping ranges
ranges: [
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0x21, 0x7f, 0x5555, 1 ],
[ 0x2f800, 0x2fedc, 0x7a, 1 ],
[ 0x72, 0xdd, 3, 1 ],
[ 0xdd, 0xde, 4, 0 ],
[ 0x201, 0x240, 6, 1 ], # 3 consecutive blocks with the same pattern but
[ 0x241, 0x280, 6, 1 ], # discontiguous value ranges, testing utrie2_enum()
[ 0x281, 0x2c0, 6, 1 ],
[ 0x2f987, 0x2fa98, 5, 1 ],
[ 0x2f777, 0x2f883, 0, 1 ],
[ 0x2f900, 0x2ffaa, 1, 0 ],
[ 0x2ffaa, 0x2ffab, 2, 1 ],
[ 0x2ffbb, 0x2ffc0, 7, 1 ]
check: [
[ 0, 0 ],
[ 0x21, 0 ],
[ 0x72, 0x5555 ],
[ 0xdd, 3 ],
[ 0xde, 4 ],
[ 0x201, 0 ],
[ 0x240, 6 ],
[ 0x241, 0 ],
[ 0x280, 6 ],
[ 0x281, 0 ],
[ 0x2c0, 6 ],
[ 0x2f883, 0 ],
[ 0x2f987, 0x7a ],
[ 0x2fa98, 5 ],
[ 0x2fedc, 0x7a ],
[ 0x2ffaa, 1 ],
[ 0x2ffab, 2 ],
[ 0x2ffbb, 0 ],
[ 0x2ffc0, 7 ],
[ 0x110000, 0 ]
# use a non-zero initial value
ranges: [
[ 0, 0, 9, 0 ], # non-zero initial value.
[ 0x31, 0xa4, 1, 0 ],
[ 0x3400, 0x6789, 2, 0 ],
[ 0x8000, 0x89ab, 9, 1 ],
[ 0x9000, 0xa000, 4, 1 ],
[ 0xabcd, 0xbcde, 3, 1 ],
[ 0x55555, 0x110000, 6, 1 ], # highStart<U+ffff with non-initialValue
[ 0xcccc, 0x55555, 6, 1 ]
check: [
[ 0, 9 ], # non-zero initialValue
[ 0x31, 9 ],
[ 0xa4, 1 ],
[ 0x3400, 9 ],
[ 0x6789, 2 ],
[ 0x9000, 9 ],
[ 0xa000, 4 ],
[ 0xabcd, 9 ],
[ 0xbcde, 3 ],
[ 0xcccc, 9 ],
[ 0x110000, 6 ]
# empty or single-value tries, testing highStart==0
ranges: [
[ 0, 0, 3, 0 ] # Only the element with the initial value.
check: [
[ 0, 3 ],
[ 0x110000, 3 ]
ranges: [
[ 0, 0, 3, 0 ] # Initial value = 3
[ 0, 0x110000, 5, 1 ]
check: [
[ 0, 3 ]
[ 0x110000, 5 ]
it 'should pass range tests', ->
for test in rangeTests
initialValue = 0
errorValue = 0x0bad
i = 0
if test.ranges[i][1] < 0
errorValue = test.ranges[i][2]
initialValue = test.ranges[i++][2]
trie = new UnicodeTrieBuilder initialValue, errorValue
for range in test.ranges[i...]
trie.setRange range[0], range[1] - 1, range[2], range[3] isnt 0
frozen = trie.freeze()
start = 0
for check in test.check
for start in [start...check[0]] by 1
assert.equal trie.get(start), check[1]
assert.equal frozen.get(start), check[1]