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var assert = require('assert')
var umd = require('../')
var src = umd('sentinel-prime', 'return "sentinel"')
var namespacedSrc = umd('', 'return "sentinel"')
var multiNamespaces = umd('a.b.c.d.e', 'return "sentinel"')
describe('with CommonJS', function () {
it('uses module.exports', function () {
var module = {exports: {}}
Function('module,exports', src)(module,module.exports)
assert(module.exports === 'sentinel')
describe('with amd', function () {
it('uses define', function () {
var defed
function define(fn) {
defed = fn()
define.amd = true
Function('define', src)(define)
assert(defed === 'sentinel')
describe('in the absense of a module system', function () {
it('uses window', function () {
var glob = {}
Function('window', src)(glob)
assert(glob.sentinelPrime === 'sentinel')
it('uses global', function () {
var glob = {}
Function('global,window', src)(glob)
assert(glob.sentinelPrime === 'sentinel')
it('uses self', function () {
var glob = {}
Function('self,window,global', src)(glob)
assert(glob.sentinelPrime === 'sentinel')
it('creates the proper namespaces', function() {
var glob = {}
Function('window', namespacedSrc)(glob)
assert( === 'sentinel')
it('creates proper multiple namespaces', function() {
var glob = {}
Function('window', multiNamespaces)(glob)
assert(glob.a.b.c.d.e === 'sentinel')