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{Optional, uint8, DecodeStream, EncodeStream} = require '../'
should = require('chai').should()
concat = require 'concat-stream'
describe 'Optional', ->
describe 'decode', ->
it 'should not decode when condition is falsy', ->
stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer [0]
optional = new Optional uint8, false
should.not.exist optional.decode(stream)
stream.pos.should.equal 0
it 'should not decode when condition is a function and falsy', ->
stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer [0]
optional = new Optional uint8, -> false
should.not.exist optional.decode(stream)
stream.pos.should.equal 0
it 'should decode when condition is omitted', ->
stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer [0]
optional = new Optional uint8
should.exist optional.decode(stream)
stream.pos.should.equal 1
it 'should decode when condition is truthy', ->
stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer [0]
optional = new Optional uint8, true
should.exist optional.decode(stream)
stream.pos.should.equal 1
it 'should decode when condition is a function and truthy', ->
stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer [0]
optional = new Optional uint8, -> true
should.exist optional.decode(stream)
stream.pos.should.equal 1
describe 'size', ->
it 'should return 0 when condition is falsy', ->
stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer [0]
optional = new Optional uint8, false
optional.size().should.equal 0
it 'should return 0 when condition is a function and falsy', ->
stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer [0]
optional = new Optional uint8, -> false
optional.size().should.equal 0
it 'should return given type size when condition is omitted', ->
stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer [0]
optional = new Optional uint8
optional.size().should.equal 1
it 'should return given type size when condition is truthy', ->
stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer [0]
optional = new Optional uint8, true
optional.size().should.equal 1
it 'should return given type size when condition is a function and truthy', ->
stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer [0]
optional = new Optional uint8, -> true
optional.size().should.equal 1
describe 'encode', ->
it 'should not encode when condition is falsy', (done) ->
stream = new EncodeStream
optional = new Optional uint8, false
stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
buf.should.deep.equal []
optional.encode stream, 128
it 'should not encode when condition is a function and falsy', (done) ->
stream = new EncodeStream
optional = new Optional uint8, -> false
stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
buf.should.deep.equal []
optional.encode stream, 128
it 'should encode when condition is omitted', (done) ->
stream = new EncodeStream
optional = new Optional uint8
stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer [128]
optional.encode stream, 128
it 'should encode when condition is truthy', (done) ->
stream = new EncodeStream
optional = new Optional uint8, true
stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer [128]
optional.encode stream, 128
it 'should encode when condition is a function and truthy', (done) ->
stream = new EncodeStream
optional = new Optional uint8, -> true
stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer [128]
optional.encode stream, 128