You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines
973 B

'use strict';
var $export = require('./_export')
, toIObject = require('./_to-iobject')
, toInteger = require('./_to-integer')
, toLength = require('./_to-length')
, $native = [].lastIndexOf
, NEGATIVE_ZERO = !!$native && 1 / [1].lastIndexOf(1, -0) < 0;
$export($export.P + $export.F * (NEGATIVE_ZERO || !require('./_strict-method')($native)), 'Array', {
// / Array.prototype.lastIndexOf(searchElement [, fromIndex])
lastIndexOf: function lastIndexOf(searchElement /*, fromIndex = @[*-1] */){
// convert -0 to +0
if(NEGATIVE_ZERO)return $native.apply(this, arguments) || 0;
var O = toIObject(this)
, length = toLength(O.length)
, index = length - 1;
if(arguments.length > 1)index = Math.min(index, toInteger(arguments[1]));
if(index < 0)index = length + index;
for(;index >= 0; index--)if(index in O)if(O[index] === searchElement)return index || 0;
return -1;