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#lang typed/racket/base
(require typed/racket/class racket/file racket/list typed/racket/draw typed/sugar/cache)
(require "utils-typed.rkt" "quads-typed.rkt" "world-typed.rkt" "core-types.rkt")
(define abstract-renderer%
(class object%
(define renderable-quads '(word box))
;; hash implementation
(: render (Quad -> Any))
(define/public (render doc-quad)
(let ([rendering-input (flatten-quad (setup doc-quad))])
(define page-quad-hash ((inst make-hash Nonnegative-Integer (Listof Quad))))
(for ([q (in-list rendering-input)])
(when (member (quad-name q) renderable-quads)
((inst hash-update! Nonnegative-Integer (Listof Quad)) page-quad-hash (cast (quad-attr-ref q world:page-key) Nonnegative-Integer) (λ(v) ((inst cons Quad (Listof Quad)) q v)) (λ() (cast null (Listof Quad))))))
(map (λ([k : Nonnegative-Integer]) (render-page ((inst hash-ref Nonnegative-Integer (Listof Quad) (Listof Quad)) page-quad-hash k))) (sort (hash-keys page-quad-hash) <)))))
(: render-element (Quad -> Any))
(define/public (render-element q)
[(word? q) (render-word q)]
[else q]))
(: setup (Quad -> Quad))
(define/public (setup q) q)
;; use in lieu of 'abstract' definition
(: render-page ((Listof Quad) -> Void))
(define/public (render-page qs) (void))
;; use in lieu of 'abstract' definition
(: render-word (Quad -> Any))
(define/public (render-word x) (word))
(: finalize (Any -> Any))
(define/public (finalize x) x)))
(define-syntax-rule (map/send method xs)
(map (λ([x : Quad]) (method x)) xs))
;; this is outside class def'n because if inside,
;; (define dc ...) can't see it and type it correctly.
;; there may be a better way, but for now this is OK
(: dc-output-port Output-Port)
(define dc-output-port (open-output-bytes))
(provide pdf-renderer%)
(define pdf-renderer%
(class abstract-renderer%
(send* (current-ps-setup) (set-margin 0 0) (set-scaling 1.0 1.0))
(define dc (new pdf-dc% [interactive #f][use-paper-bbox #f][as-eps #f]
[output dc-output-port]
[width (world:paper-width-default)][height (world:paper-height-default)]))
(define/override (setup tx)
(send* dc
(start-doc "boing")
(set-pen "black" 1 'solid)
(set-brush "black" 'transparent)) ; no fill by default
(inherit render-element)
(define font-cache ((inst make-hash (List String Nonnegative-Flonum Font-Style Font-Weight) (Instance Font%)) '()))
(: get-cached-font (String Nonnegative-Flonum Font-Style Font-Weight -> (Instance Font%)))
(define (get-cached-font font size style weight)
(hash-ref! font-cache (list font size style weight) (λ () (make-font #:face font #:size size #:style style #:weight weight))))
(define/override (render-word w)
(define word-font (cast (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-name-key) String))
(define word-size (cast (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-size-key) Nonnegative-Float))
(define word-style (cast (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-style-key) Font-Style))
(define word-weight (cast (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-weight-key) Font-Weight))
(define word-color (cast (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-color-key) String))
(define word-background (cast (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-background-key) String))
(send dc set-font (get-cached-font word-font word-size word-style word-weight))
(define foreground-color (send the-color-database find-color word-color))
(when foreground-color
(send dc set-text-foreground foreground-color))
(define background-color (send the-color-database find-color word-background))
(if background-color ; all invalid color-string values will return #f
(send* dc (set-text-mode 'solid) (set-text-background background-color))
(send dc set-text-mode 'transparent))
(define word-text (cast (quad-car w) String))
(send dc draw-text word-text (cast (quad-attr-ref w world:x-position-key) Float)
;; we want to align by baseline rather than top of box
;; thus, subtract ascent from y to put baseline at the y coordinate
(- (cast (quad-attr-ref w world:y-position-key) Float) (cast (quad-attr-ref w world:ascent-key 0) Float)) #t))
(define/override (render-page elements)
(send dc start-page)
(map/send render-element (filter-not whitespace/nbsp? elements))
(send dc end-page))
(define/override (finalize xs)
(send dc end-doc)
(get-output-bytes dc-output-port))
(: render-to-file (Quad Path-String -> Void))
(define/public (render-to-file doc-quad path)
(define result-bytes (send this render doc-quad))
(display-to-file result-bytes path #:exists 'replace #:mode 'binary))