You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

129 lines
3.0 KiB

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.7.1
(function() {
var Struct, utils;
utils = require('./utils');
Struct = (function() {
function Struct(fields) {
this.fields = fields != null ? fields : {};
Struct.prototype.decode = function(stream, parent, length) {
var res, _ref;
if (length == null) {
length = 0;
res = this._setup(stream, parent, length);
this._parseFields(stream, res, this.fields);
if ((_ref = this.process) != null) {, stream);
return res;
Struct.prototype._setup = function(stream, parent, length) {
var res;
res = {};
Object.defineProperties(res, {
parent: {
value: parent
_startOffset: {
value: stream.pos
_currentOffset: {
value: 0,
writable: true
_length: {
value: length
return res;
Struct.prototype._parseFields = function(stream, res, fields) {
var key, type, val;
for (key in fields) {
type = fields[key];
//console.log("key= " + key );
if (typeof type === 'function') {
val =, res);
} else {
val = type.decode(stream, res);
if (val !== void 0) {
if (val instanceof utils.PropertyDescriptor) {
Object.defineProperty(res, key, val);
} else {
res[key] = val;
res._currentOffset = stream.pos - res._startOffset;
Struct.prototype.size = function(val, parent, includePointers) {
var ctx, key, size, type, _ref;
if (val == null) {
val = {};
if (includePointers == null) {
includePointers = true;
ctx = {
parent: parent,
val: val,
pointerSize: 0
size = 0;
_ref = this.fields;
for (key in _ref) {
type = _ref[key];
if (type.size != null) {
size += type.size(val[key], ctx);
if (includePointers) {
size += ctx.pointerSize;
return size;
Struct.prototype.encode = function(stream, val, parent) {
var ctx, i, key, ptr, type, _ref, _ref1;
if ((_ref = this.preEncode) != null) {, stream);
ctx = {
pointers: [],
startOffset: stream.pos,
parent: parent,
val: val,
pointerSize: 0
ctx.pointerOffset = stream.pos + this.size(val, ctx, false);
_ref1 = this.fields;
for (key in _ref1) {
type = _ref1[key];
if (type.encode != null) {
type.encode(stream, val[key], ctx);
i = 0;
while (i < ctx.pointers.length) {
ptr = ctx.pointers[i++];
ptr.type.encode(stream, ptr.val, ptr.parent);
return Struct;
module.exports = Struct;