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#lang debug racket/base
(require "png-reader.rkt" "zlib.rkt")
(provide PNG)
(define PNG
(class object%
(init-field [(@data data)] [label #f])
(field [(@image image) (read-png @data)] ; `image` is a hash
[pixel-bit-length (hash-ref @image 'pixelBitlength)]
[(@width width) (hash-ref @image 'width)]
[(@height height) (hash-ref @image 'height)]
[(@img-data img-data) (hash-ref @image 'imgData)]
[(@alpha-channel alpha-channel) #f]
[(@obj obj) #f])
(define/public (embed)
(unless @obj
(set! @obj
(mhash 'Type 'XObject
'Subtype 'Image
'BitsPerComponent (hash-ref @image 'bits)
'Width @width
'Height @height
'Filter 'FlateDecode)))
(unless (hash-ref @image 'hasAlphaChannel #f)
(define params (make-ref
(mhash 'Predictor 15
'Colors (hash-ref @image 'colors)
'BitsPerComponent (hash-ref @image 'bits)
'Columns @width)))
(dict-set! @obj 'DecodeParms params)
(ref-end params))
[(hash-has-key? @image 'palette)
;; embed the color palette in the PDF as an object stream
(define palette-ref (make-ref))
(ref-write palette-ref (hash-ref @image 'palette))
(ref-end palette-ref)
;; build the color space array for the image
(dict-set! @obj 'Colorspace
(list 'Indexed 'DeviceRGB (sub1 (/ (bytes-length (hash-ref @image 'palette)) 3)) palette-ref))]
[else (dict-set! @obj 'ColorSpace 'DeviceRGB)])
[(hash-ref @image 'transparency #f)
[(hash-ref (hash-ref @image 'transparency) 'grayscale #f)
(error 'transparency-grayscale-not-implemented)]
[(hash-ref (hash-ref @image 'transparency) 'rgb #f)
(error 'transparency-rgb-not-implemented)]
[(hash-ref (hash-ref @image 'transparency) 'indexed #f)
(error 'transparency-indexed-not-implemented)])]
[(hash-ref @image 'hasAlphaChannel #f)
;; For PNG color types 4 and 6, the transparency data is stored as a alpha
;; channel mixed in with the main image data. Separate this data out into an
;; SMask object and store it separately in the PDF.]
(define-values (img-bytes alpha-bytes) (split-alpha-channel))
(set! @img-data (deflate img-bytes))
(set! @alpha-channel (deflate alpha-bytes))]))
(when @alpha-channel
(define sMask-ref
(mhash 'Type 'XObject
'Subtype 'Image
'Height @height
'Width @width
'BitsPerComponent 8
'Filter 'FlateDecode
'ColorSpace 'DeviceGray
'Decode '(0 1))))
(ref-write sMask-ref @alpha-channel)
(ref-end sMask-ref)
(dict-set! @obj 'SMask sMask-ref))
;; embed the actual image data
(ref-write @obj @img-data)
(ref-end @obj))
(define/public (split-alpha-channel)
(define ip @data)
(file-position ip 0)
(define bmap (read-bitmap ip 'png/alpha))
(define pixels (make-bytes (* 4 @width @height)))
(send bmap get-argb-pixels 0 0 @width @height pixels)
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes pixels)])
(define argb-len (/ (bytes-length pixels) 4))
(define img-bytes (make-bytes (* argb-len 3)))
(define alpha-bytes (make-bytes argb-len))
(for ([argb-bytes (in-port (λ (p) (read-bytes 4 p)))]
[i (in-range argb-len)])
(bytes-copy! alpha-bytes i argb-bytes 0 1)
(bytes-copy! img-bytes (* i 3) argb-bytes 1 4))
(values img-bytes alpha-bytes)))))
;; test files
(module+ test
(define pic (make-object PNG (open-input-file "../ptest/assets/death-alpha.png")))
(define-values (img alpha) (send pic split-alpha-channel)))