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#lang racket/base
(require racket/class sugar/container sugar/debug racket/list
racket/bool racket/generator racket/match "helper.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define solver%
;; Abstract base class for solvers
(class object%
(abstract get-solution)
(abstract get-solutions)
(abstract get-solution-iter)))
(define solver%? (is-a?/c solver%))
(struct vvp (variable values pushdomains))
(define-syntax-rule (pop-vvp-values! vvps)
(if (null? vvps)
(error 'pop-vvp-values! (format "~a is null" vvps))
(let ([vvp (car vvps)])
(set! vvps (cdr vvps))
(values (vvp-variable vvp) (vvp-values vvp) (vvp-pushdomains vvp)))))
(define backtracking-solver%
;; Problem solver with backtracking capabilities
(class solver%
(init-field [forwardcheck #t])
(field [_forwardcheck forwardcheck])
(define/override (get-solution-iter domains constraints vconstraints)
(define work-list (sort (for/list ([variable (in-hash-keys domains)])
(list (* -1 (length (hash-ref vconstraints variable)))
(length ((hash-ref domains variable)))
variable)) list-comparator))
;; state-retention variables
(define possible-solution (make-hash))
(define variable-queue null)
(define variable #f)
(define values null)
(define pushdomains null)
(define (get-next-unassigned-variable)
(for/first ([last-item (in-list (map last work-list))]
#:when (not (hash-has-key? possible-solution last-item)))
(set! variable last-item)
(set! values ((hash-ref domains variable)))
(set! pushdomains
(if _forwardcheck
(for/list ([(var domain) (in-hash domains)]
#:when (nor (hash-has-key? possible-solution var)
(equal? variable var)))
(define (set!-previous-variable)
(set!-values (variable values pushdomains) (pop-vvp-values! variable-queue))
(for-each-send pop-state pushdomains))
(let/ec exit-k
;; mix the degree and minimum-remaining-values (MRV) heuristics
(let main-loop ()
(when (not (get-next-unassigned-variable))
(yield (hash-copy possible-solution)) ; if there are no unassigned variables, solution is done.
(if (null? variable-queue) ; if queue isn't empty, return to previous variable, otherwise all done.
(let value-checking-loop () ; we have a variable. Do we have any values left?
(when (null? values) ; no, so try going back to last variable and getting some values
(for/or ([i (in-naturals)])
(when (null? variable-queue) (exit-k)) ; no variables left, so solver is done
(hash-remove! possible-solution variable)
(not (null? values))))
;; Got a value. Check it.
(hash-set! possible-solution variable (car-pop! values))
(for-each-send push-state pushdomains)
(when (for/or ([cvpair (in-list (hash-ref vconstraints variable))])
(match-define (list constraint variables) cvpair)
(not (send constraint broken? variables domains possible-solution pushdomains)))
;; constraint failed, so try again
(for-each-send pop-state pushdomains)
;; Push state before looking for next variable.
(set! variable-queue (cons (vvp variable values pushdomains) variable-queue))
(error 'get-solution-iter "impossible to reach this"))
(define (call-solution-generator domains constraints vconstraints #:first-only [first-only #f])
(for/list ([solution (in-generator (get-solution-iter domains constraints vconstraints))] #:final first-only)
(define/override (get-solution . args)
(car (apply call-solution-generator #:first-only #t args)))
(define/override (get-solutions . args)
(apply call-solution-generator args))))
(define backtracking-solver%? (is-a?/c backtracking-solver%))