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#lang racket/base
(require "glyph-position.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; Represents a run of Glyph and GlyphPosition objects.
;; Returned by the font layout method.
; An array of Glyph objects in the run
; An array of GlyphPosition objects for each glyph in the run
(struct glyphrun (glyphs positions) #:transparent)
(define (+glyphrun [glyphs null] [positions null])
(glyphrun glyphs positions))
(define (glyphrun-advance-width gr)
(for/sum ([pos (in-list (glyphrun-positions gr))])
(glyph-position-x-advance pos)))
(define (append-glyphruns . grs)
(for/fold ([glyphss null]
[positionss null]
#:result (glyphrun
(apply append (reverse glyphss))
(apply append (reverse positionss))))
([gr (in-list grs)])
(values (cons (glyphrun-glyphs gr) glyphss)
(cons (glyphrun-positions gr) positionss))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define gr (+glyphrun))
(check-true (glyphrun? gr))
(check-equal? (append-glyphruns gr gr) gr))