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Advanced Options:
--insert-globals, --ig, --fast [default: false]
Skip detection and always insert definitions for process, global,
__filename, and __dirname.
benefit: faster builds
cost: extra bytes
--insert-global-vars, --igv
Comma-separated list of global variables to detect and define.
Default: __filename,__dirname,process,Buffer,global
--detect-globals, --dg [default: true]
Detect the presence of process, global, __filename, and __dirname and define
these values when present.
benefit: npm modules more likely to work
cost: slower builds
--ignore-missing, --im [default: false]
Ignore `require()` statements that don't resolve to anything.
Don't parse FILE at all. This will make bundling much, much faster for giant
libs like jquery or threejs.
Turn off builtins. This is handy when you want to run a bundle in node which
provides the core builtins.
Turn off setting a commondir. This is useful if you want to preserve the
original paths that a bundle was generated with.
Turn off bundling of all external modules. This is useful if you only want
to bundle your local files.
Alias for both --no-builtins, --no-commondir, and sets --insert-global-vars
to just "__filename,__dirname". This is handy if you want to run bundles in
Turn off converting module ids into numerical indexes. This is useful for
preserving the original paths that a bundle was generated with.
Instead of standard bundle output, print the dependency array generated by
Print each file in the dependency graph. Useful for makefiles.
Consider files with specified EXTENSION as modules, this option can used
multiple times.
--global-transform=MODULE, --g MODULE
Use a transform module on all files after any ordinary transforms have run.
--plugin=MODULE, -p MODULE
Register MODULE as a plugin.
Passing arguments to transforms and plugins:
For -t, -g, and -p, you may use subarg syntax to pass options to the
transforms or plugin function as the second parameter. For example:
-t [ foo -x 3 --beep ]
will call the `foo` transform for each applicable file by calling:
foo(file, { x: 3, beep: true })