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#lang br
(define (read-bytes-exact count p)
(define bs (read-bytes count p))
(unless (and (bytes? bs) (= (bytes-length bs) count))
(raise-argument-error 'read-bytes-exact (format "byte string length ~a" count) bs))
(define BinaryIO%
(class object%
(abstract decode)
(abstract encode)
(abstract size)))
(define ByteIO%
(class BinaryIO%
(init-field [_count 1])
(field [_bytes null])
(define/override (decode ip)
(set! _bytes (read-bytes-exact _count ip)))
(define/override (encode op val) (write-bytes _bytes op))
(define/override (size) (bytes-length _bytes))))
(define b (make-object ByteIO%))
(define ip (open-input-bytes #"ABC"))
(send b decode ip)
(define-macro (define-subclass SUPERCLASS (ID . INIT-ARGS) . BODY)
#'(define ID (class SUPERCLASS (super-new) (init-field . INIT-ARGS) . BODY)))
(define-macro (getter-field [ID . EXPRS])
(with-pattern ([_ID (prefix-id "_" #'ID)])
(field [(ID _ID) . EXPRS])
(public (_ID ID))
(define (_ID) ID))))
(define (ends-with-8? type)
(equal? (substring type (sub1 (string-length type))) "8"))
(define-subclass BinaryIO% (NumberT type [endian (if (system-big-endian?) 'BE 'LE)])
(getter-field [fn (format "~a~a" type (if (ends-with-8? type)
(define/override (decode ip) 'foo)
(define/override (encode op val) 'foo)
(define/override (size) 'foo))
(define o (make-object NumberT "UInt16"))
(send o fn)
(define uint32be (:bytes 4 #:type integer/be?))
(define uint16be (:bytes 2 #:type integer/be?))
(define hexbytes (:bytes 4 #:type hex?))
(define (:make-string count) (:bytes count #:type string/ascii?))
(require (for-syntax sugar/debug))
(define-macro (:seq ([ID BINDING . MAYBE-GUARD] ...) . BODY)
(with-pattern ([(GUARD ...) (pattern-case-filter #'(MAYBE-GUARD ...)
[(#:assert PRED) #'(λ (x) (unless (PRED x) (error 'assert-failed)))]
[ELSE #'void])])
#'(λ (p) (let* ([ID (let ([ID (BINDING p)])
ID)] ...)
(begin . BODY)
(list (cons 'ID ID) ...)))))