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#lang racket/base
(require racket/class
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (decode-string len port [encoding 'ascii])
(define decoder (case encoding
[(utf16le ucs2) (error 'unsupported-string-encoding)]
[(utf8) bytes->string/utf-8]
[(ascii) bytes->string/latin-1]
[else values]))
(decoder (read-bytes len port)))
(define (string-ascii? string)
(for/and ([c (in-string string)])
(<= 0 (char->integer c) 127)))
(define (encode-string string [encoding 'ascii])
(when (eq? encoding 'ascii)
(unless (string-ascii? string)
(raise-argument-error 'encode "ascii string" string)))
(define encoder (case encoding
[(ucs2 utf8 ascii) string->bytes/utf-8]
[(utf16le) (error 'swap-bytes-unimplemented)]
[else (error 'unsupported-string-encoding)]))
(encoder string))
(define (count-nonzero-chars port)
(bytes-length (car (regexp-match-peek "[^\u0]*" port))))
(define (bytes-left-in-port? port)
(not (eof-object? (peek-byte port))))
(define (supported-encoding? x)
(and (symbol? x) (memq x supported-encodings)))
(define x:string%
(class x:base%
(init-field [(@len len)] [(@encoding encoding)])
(unless (length-resolvable? @len)
(raise-argument-error 'x:string "length-resolvable?" @len))
(unless (or (procedure? @encoding) (supported-encoding? @encoding))
(raise-argument-error 'x:string (format "procedure or member of ~v" supported-encodings) @encoding))
(define/augment (x:decode port parent)
(define len (or (resolve-length @len port parent) (count-nonzero-chars port)))
(define encoding (match @encoding
[(? procedure? proc) (or (proc parent) 'ascii)]
[enc enc]))
(define adjustment (if (and (not @len) (bytes-left-in-port? port)) 1 0))
(define result (decode-string len port encoding))
(pos port (+ (pos port) adjustment))
(when (eq? @encoding 'ascii)
(unless (string-ascii? result)
(raise-result-error 'decode "ascii string" result)))
(define/augment (x:encode val-arg port [parent #f])
(define val (if (string? val-arg) val-arg (format "~a" val-arg)))
(define encoding (match @encoding
[(? procedure?) (@encoding (and parent (hash-ref parent val)) 'ascii)] ; when does this happen?
[enc enc]))
(define encoded-str (encode-string val encoding))
(define encoded-length (bytes-length encoded-str))
(when (and (exact-nonnegative-integer? @len) (> encoded-length @len))
(raise-argument-error 'encode (format "string no longer than ~a" @len) val))
(when (x:int? @len)
(send @len x:encode encoded-length port parent))
(define string-terminator (if @len (bytes) (bytes 0))) ; null terminated when no len
(bytes-append encoded-str string-terminator))
(define/augment (x:size [val-arg #f] [parent #f])
(define val (cond
[(string? val-arg) val-arg]
[(not val-arg) #false]
[else (format "~a" val-arg)]))
[val (define encoding (if (procedure? @encoding)
(or (@encoding (and parent (hash-ref parent val)) 'ascii))
(define string-size (bytes-length (encode-string val encoding)))
(define strlen-size (cond
[(not @len) 1]
[(x:int? @len) (send @len x:size)]
[else 0]))
(+ string-size strlen-size)]
[else (resolve-length @len #f parent)]))))
(define supported-encodings '(ascii utf8))
(define (x:string? x) (is-a? x x:string%))
(define/contract (x:string
[len-arg #f]
[enc-arg #f]
#:length [len-kwarg #f]
#:encoding [enc-kwarg 'utf8]
#:pre-encode [pre-proc #f]
#:post-decode [post-proc #f]
#:base-class [base-class x:string%])
((or/c length-resolvable? #false)
(or/c procedure? supported-encoding? #false)
#:length (or/c length-resolvable? #false)
#:encoding (or/c procedure? supported-encoding? #false)
#:pre-encode (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false)
#:post-decode (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false)
#:base-class (λ (c) (subclass? c x:string%)))
. ->* .
(define len (or len-arg len-kwarg))
(unless (length-resolvable? len)
(raise-argument-error 'x:string "resolvable length" len))
(define encoding (or enc-arg enc-kwarg))
(unless (or (supported-encoding? encoding) (procedure? encoding))
(raise-argument-error 'x:string "valid encoding value" encoding))
(new (generate-subclass base-class pre-proc post-proc)
[len len]
[encoding encoding]))