#lang debug racket/base (require racket/match (for-syntax racket/base) "param.rkt" "quad.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) (struct pipeline (passes) #:constructor-name make-pipeline #:guard (λ (procs name) (unless ((list-of procedure?) procs) (raise-argument-error 'bad-input-to-compiler-constructor "list of procedures" procs)) procs) #:property prop:procedure (λ args (match-define (list* pipeline pass-arg _) args) (let ([show-timing? (current-show-timing?)]) (for/fold ([pass-arg pass-arg]) ([pass (in-list (pipeline-passes pipeline))]) (define thunk (λ () (pass pass-arg))) (if show-timing? (time (displayln pass) (thunk)) (thunk)))))) (define (compiler-append c passes) (make-pipeline (append (pipeline-passes c) passes))) (define-syntax (define-pass stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ (PASS-NAME ARG OTHER-ARG ...) #:pre PRECOND-PROC #:post POSTCOND-PROC EXPRS ...) #`(define PASS-NAME (make-pipeline (list (procedure-rename #,(syntax/loc stx (λ (ARG) (when (current-use-preconditions?) (unless (PRECOND-PROC ARG) (raise-argument-error 'PASS-NAME (format "~a (as precondition)" 'PRECOND-PROC) ARG))) ;; a pass can be functional or mutational. ;; if it returns void, assume mutational ;; and return the input item. (define res (match (let () EXPRS ...) [(? void?) ARG] [val val])) (begin0 res (when (current-use-postconditions?) (unless (POSTCOND-PROC res) (raise-argument-error 'PASS-NAME (format "~a (as postcondition)" 'POSTCOND-PROC) res)))))) 'PASS-NAME))))]))