PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit' fs = require 'fs' make = (doc) -> # Register a font name for use later doc.registerFont('the-font', 'assets/fira.ttf') # Set the font, draw some text doc.font('the-font') .fontSize(25) .text('In Xanadu did Kubla Khan', 100, 100, {width: false}) .text('A stately pleasure dome decree:', 100, 140, {width: false}) .text('Where Alph, the sacred river, ran', 100, 180, {width: false}) .text('Through caverns measureless to man', 100, 220, {width: false}) .text('Down to a sunless sea.', 100, 260, {width: false}) doc.end() doc = new PDFDocument({compress: no}) doc.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('test18.pdf')) make doc