#lang debug racket (provide (all-defined-out)) (struct ttf-font (port decoded-tables src directory ft-face hb-font hb-buf crc get-head-table-proc) #:mutable #:property prop:custom-write (λ (f p w?) (display (format "<~a ~a>" (object-name f) (let-values ([(dir name _) (split-path (ttf-font-src f))]) name)) p))) (define (ft-face this) (or (force (ttf-font-ft-face this)) (error 'ft-face-not-available))) (define (font-directory this) (or (force (ttf-font-directory this)) (error 'directory-not-available))) (define (hb-font this) (or (force (ttf-font-hb-font this)) (error 'hb-font-not-available))) (define (hb-buf this) (or (force (ttf-font-hb-buf this)) (error 'hp-buf-not-available))) (struct glyph (id codepoints font is-mark? is-ligature? metrics) #:mutable #:property prop:custom-write (λ (g p w?) (display (format "<~a ~a ~a>" (object-name g) (glyph-id g) (glyph-font g)) p))) (struct ttf-glyph glyph ()) ; glyphs = list of glyph ids in the subset ; mapping = of glyph ids to indexes in glyphs (struct subset (font glyphs mapping) #:mutable) (struct cff-subset subset (cff strings charstrings gsubrs) #:mutable) (struct cff-glyph glyph (path _usedGsubrs _usedSubrs) #:mutable) (define (make-cff-glyph . args) (apply cff-glyph (append args (list #f (make-hash) (make-hash))))) (struct index-item (offset length) #:transparent #:mutable)