### PDFReference - represents a reference to another object in the PDF object heirarchy By Devon Govett ### zlib = require 'zlib' stream = require 'stream' class PDFReference extends stream.Writable constructor: (@document, @id, @data = {}) -> super decodeStrings: no @gen = 0 @deflate = null @compress = @document.compress and not @data.Filter @uncompressedLength = 0 @chunks = [] initDeflate: -> @data.Filter = 'FlateDecode' @deflate = zlib.createDeflate() @deflate.on 'data', (chunk) => console.log("got data event for ref " + @id + " from " + this.toString()) @chunks.push chunk @data.Length += chunk.length @deflate.on 'end', () => console.log("got end event for ref " + @id + " from " + this.toString()) @finalize() _write: (chunk, encoding, callback) -> unless Buffer.isBuffer(chunk) chunk = new Buffer(chunk + '\n', 'binary') @uncompressedLength += chunk.length @data.Length ?= 0 if @compress @initDeflate() if not @deflate @deflate.write chunk else @chunks.push chunk @data.Length += chunk.length callback() end: (chunk) -> super console.log("end! " + @id) console.log(@chunks) if @deflate @deflate.end() else @finalize() finalize: => console.log("finalize! " + @id) console.log(@chunks) @offset = @document._offset @document._write "#{@id} #{@gen} obj" @document._write PDFObject.convert(@data) if @chunks.length @document._write 'stream' for chunk in @chunks @document._write chunk @chunks.length = 0 # free up memory @document._write '\nendstream' @document._write 'endobj' @document._refEnd(this) toString: -> return "#{@id} #{@gen} R" module.exports = PDFReference PDFObject = require './object'