#lang debug racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base) txexpr racket/runtime-path racket/path racket/string racket/promise racket/match racket/list pitfall quad sugar/debug pollen/tag racket/unsafe/ops hyphenate) (provide (except-out (all-from-out racket/base) #%module-begin) (rename-out [mb #%module-begin]) p id strong em attr-list h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ol li ul rsquo lsquo rdquo ldquo hellip ndash mdash hr code pre a blockquote) (define rsquo "’") (define rdquo "”") (define lsquo "‘") (define ldquo "“") (define hellip "…") (define ndash "–") (define mdash "—") (define (root attrs exprs) (qexpr (append `((first-line-indent "12") #;(line-align "center") (line-wrap "kp") #;(line-align-last "center")) attrs) exprs)) (define-tag-function (p attrs exprs) ;; no font-family so that it adopts whatever the surrounding family is (qexpr (append `((keep-first "2")(keep-last "3") (font-size-adjust "100%") (character-tracking "0") (hyphenate "true") (display ,(symbol->string (gensym)))) attrs) exprs)) (define-tag-function (hr attrs exprs) hrbr) (define-tag-function (blockquote attrs exprs) (qexpr (append '((display "block") (first-line-indent "0") (background-color "#eee") (font-family "fira") (font-size "10") (line-height "15") (border-width-top "0.5") (border-color-top "gray") (border-inset-top "8") (border-width-left "3") (border-color-left "gray") (border-inset-left "20") (border-width-bottom "0.5") (border-color-bottom "gray") (border-inset-bottom "-2") (border-width-right "0.5") (border-color-right "gray") (border-inset-right "20") (inset-top "10") (inset-bottom "8") (inset-left "30") (inset-right "30") (keep-lines "yes")) attrs) exprs)) (define id (default-tag-function 'id)) (define class (default-tag-function 'class)) (define-tag-function (strong attrs exprs) (qexpr (list* '(font-bold "true") '(font-size-adjust "100%") attrs) exprs)) (define-tag-function (a attrs exprs) (qexpr `((link ,(cadr (assoc 'href attrs)))(color "MediumVioletRed")) exprs)) (define-tag-function (em attrs exprs) (qexpr (list* '(font-italic "true") '(font-size-adjust "100%") attrs) exprs)) (define-syntax-rule (attr-list . attrs) 'attrs) (define (heading-base font-size attrs exprs) (qexpr (append `((font-family "fira-light") (first-line-indent "0") (display "block") (font-size ,(number->string font-size))(line-height ,(number->string (* 1.2 font-size))) (border-width-top "0.5")(border-inset-top "9")(border-inset-right "12") (inset-bottom "-3") (inset-top "6") (keep-with-next "true")) attrs) exprs)) (define-tag-function (h1 attrs exprs) (heading-base 20 (append '() attrs) exprs)) (define-tag-function (h2 attrs exprs) (heading-base 16 attrs exprs)) (define-tag-function (h3 attrs exprs) (heading-base 14 attrs exprs)) (define h4 h3) (define h5 h3) (define h6 h3) (define-tag-function (code attrs exprs) (qexpr (append '((font-family "fira-mono")#;(line-align "right")(font-size "10")(bg "aliceblue")) attrs) exprs)) (define-tag-function (pre attrs exprs) ;; pre needs to convert white space to equivalent layout elements (define new-exprs (add-between (for*/list ([expr (in-list exprs)] [str (in-list (string-split (string-join (get-elements expr) "") "\n"))]) `(,(get-tag expr) ,(get-attrs expr) ,(string-replace str " " " "))) lbr)) (qexpr (list* '(display "block") '(background-color "aliceblue") '(font-family "fira-mono") '(font-size "11") '(line-height "14") '(border-inset-top "10") '(border-width-left "2") '(border-color-left "#669") '(border-inset-left "0") '(border-inset-right "10") '(border-inset-bottom "-4") '(inset-left "12") '(inset-right "12") '(inset-top "12") '(inset-bottom "8") attrs) new-exprs)) (define draw-debug? #t) (define draw-debug-line? #t) (define draw-debug-block? #t) (define draw-debug-string? #f) (require racket/dict) (define (list-base attrs exprs [bullet-val #f]) (define bullet-space-factor 2.5) (define em (dict-ref attrs 'font-size default-font-size)) (define bullet-indent (* bullet-space-factor em)) (qexpr (list* `(inset-left ,(number->string bullet-indent)) attrs) (add-between (for/list ([(expr idx) (in-indexed exprs)]) (list* (get-tag expr) (cons (list 'list-index (or bullet-val (format "~a" (add1 idx)))) (get-attrs expr)) (get-elements expr))) pbr))) (define-tag-function (ol attrs exprs) (list-base attrs exprs)) (define-tag-function (ul attrs exprs) (list-base attrs exprs "•")) (define-tag-function (li attrs exprs) (qexpr attrs exprs)) (define-quad string-quad quad ()) (define q:string (q #:type string-quad #:in 'bi #:out 'bo ;; align to baseline ;; printable unless single space, which is not printable at start or end #:printable (λ (q [sig #f]) (match (quad-elems q) [(cons elem _) (case elem [(" " #\space) (not (memq sig '(start end)))] [else #true])] [_ #true])) ;; draw with pdf text routine #:draw (λ (q doc) (when (pair? (quad-elems q)) (font doc (path->string (quad-ref q font-path-key))) (font-size doc (quad-ref q 'font-size 12)) (fill-color doc (quad-ref q 'color "black")) (define str (unsafe-car (quad-elems q))) (match-define (list x y) (quad-origin q)) (text doc str x y #:tracking (quad-ref q 'character-tracking 0) #:bg (quad-ref q 'bg #f) #:features (list (cons #"tnum" 1)) #:link (quad-ref q 'link #f)))) #:draw-end (if draw-debug-string? (λ (q doc) (draw-debug q doc "#99f" "#ccf")) void))) (define-runtime-path default-font-face "fonts/charter/charter.otf") (define default-font-family "charter") (define default-font-size 12) (define current-doc (make-parameter #f)) (define (make-size-promise q [str-arg #f]) (delay (define doc (current-doc)) (define str (cond [str-arg] [(pair? (quad-elems q)) (unsafe-car (quad-elems q))] [else #false])) (define string-size (cond [str (font-size doc (quad-ref q 'font-size default-font-size)) (font doc (path->string (quad-ref q font-path-key default-font-face))) (+ (string-width doc str #:tracking (quad-ref q 'character-tracking 0)) ;; add one more dose because `string-width` only adds it intercharacter, ;; and this quad will be adjacent to another ;; (so we need to account for the "inter-quad" space (quad-ref q 'character-tracking 0))] [else 0])) (list string-size (quad-ref q 'line-height (current-line-height doc))))) (define (->string-quad q) (cond [(line-break? q) q] [else (struct-copy quad q:string [attrs (let ([attrs (quad-attrs q)]) (hash-ref! attrs 'font-size default-font-size) attrs)] [elems (quad-elems q)] [size (make-size-promise q)])])) (define (draw-debug q doc [fill-color "#f99"] [stroke-color "#fcc"]) (when draw-debug? (save doc) (line-width doc 0.5) (apply rect doc (append (quad-origin q) (size q))) (stroke doc stroke-color) (circle doc (pt-x (in-point q)) (pt-y (in-point q)) 2) (circle doc (pt-x (out-point q)) (pt-y (out-point q)) 2) (fill doc fill-color) (rect-centered doc (pt-x (inner-point q)) (pt-y (inner-point q)) 2) (fill doc stroke-color) (restore doc))) (define line-height 20) (define dumb-hardcoded-value 372) (define q:line (q #:size (pt dumb-hardcoded-value line-height) #:inner 'sw #:out 'sw #:printable #true #:draw-start (if draw-debug-line? draw-debug void))) (struct line-spacer quad () #:transparent) (define q:line-spacer (q #:type line-spacer #:size (pt dumb-hardcoded-value (* line-height 0.6)) #:out 'sw #:printable (λ (q sig) (not (memq sig '(start end)))) #:draw-start (if draw-debug-line? draw-debug void))) (define q:line-spacer-unbreakable (struct-copy line-spacer q:line-spacer [attrs #:parent quad (make-hasheq '((keep-lines . #true)))])) (define softies (map string '(#\space #\- #\u00AD))) (define (soft-break-for-line? q) (and (pair? (quad-elems q)) (member (unsafe-car (quad-elems q)) softies))) (define (consolidate-runs pcs ending-q) (for/fold ([runs empty] [pcs pcs] #:result (reverse runs)) ([i (in-naturals)] #:break (empty? pcs)) (match pcs [(cons (? string-quad? strq) rest) (define-values (run-pcs rest) (splitf-at pcs (λ (p) (same-run? strq p)))) (define new-run (struct-copy quad q:string [attrs (quad-attrs strq)] [elems (merge-adjacent-strings (apply append (for/list ([pc (in-list run-pcs)]) (quad-elems pc))))] [size (delay (pt (for/sum ([pc (in-list run-pcs)]) (pt-x (size pc))) (pt-y (size strq))))])) (values (cons new-run runs) rest)] [(cons first rest) (values (cons first runs) rest)]))) (define (render-hyphen qs ending-q) ;; naive handling of soft hyphen: ;; if soft hyphen cause the break, then append a printing hyphen to the end of the run. ;; this assumes that there is room for the hyphen on the line ;; and does not take into account hyphen-break transformations found in other languages. ;; However we do want the hyphen joined into the string so the final shaping / positioning is correct ;; for instance, kerning between last letter and hyphen. (match (and ending-q (equal? (quad-elems ending-q) '("\u00AD")) qs) [(list head ... last-q) (define str+hyphen (string-append (car (quad-elems last-q)) "-")) (append head (list (struct-copy quad last-q [elems (list str+hyphen)] [size (make-size-promise last-q str+hyphen)])))] [_ qs])) (define-quad line-break quad ()) (define lbr (make-line-break #:printable #f)) ;; treat paragraph break as special kind of line break (define-quad para-break line-break ()) (define pbr (make-para-break #:printable #f)) (define-quad hr-break line-break ()) (define hrbr (make-hr-break #:printable #t)) (module+ test (check-true (line-break? (second (quad-elems (q "foo" pbr "bar"))))) (check-true (line-break? (second (atomize (q "foo" pbr "bar")))))) (define (copy-block-attrs source-hash dest-hash) (define block-attrs '(display inset-top inset-bottom inset-left inset-right border-inset-top border-inset-bottom border-inset-left border-inset-right border-width-left border-width-right border-width-top border-width-bottom border-color-left border-color-right border-color-top border-color-bottom background-color keep-lines keep-first keep-last keep-all keep-with-next line-align line-align-last first-line-indent line-wrap)) (for* ([k (in-list block-attrs)] [v (in-value (hash-ref source-hash k #f))] #:when v) (hash-set! dest-hash k v)) dest-hash) (define (handle-hyphenate qs) ;; find quads that want hyphenation and split them into smaller pieces ;; do this before ->string-quad so that it can handle the sizing promises (apply append (for/list ([q (in-list qs)]) (match (quad-ref q 'hyphenate #false) [(or #false "false") (list q)] [_ (for*/list ([str (in-list (quad-elems q))] [hyphen-char (in-value #\u00AD)] [hstr (in-value (hyphenate str hyphen-char #:min-left-length 4 #:min-right-length 3))] [substr (in-list (regexp-match* (regexp (string hyphen-char)) hstr #:gap-select? #t))]) (struct-copy quad q [elems (list substr)]))])))) (require sugar/list) (define-quad filler quad ()) (define (fill-wrap qs ending-q) (match (and (pair? qs) (quad-ref (car qs) (if ending-q 'line-align 'line-align-last) "left")) [(or #false "left") qs] ; default is left aligned, no filling needed [align-value (define word-sublists (filter-split qs (λ (q) (match (quad-elems q) [(cons " " _) #true] [_ #false])))) (match (length word-sublists) [1 #:when (equal? align-value "justify") qs] ; can't justify single word [word-count (match-define (list line-width line-height) (quad-size q:line)) ;; words may still be in hyphenated fragments ;; (though soft hyphens would have been removed) ;; so group them (but no need to consolidate — that happens elsewhere) (define occupied-width (match align-value ;; for justified line, we care about size of words without spaces ["justify" (for*/sum ([word-sublist (in-list word-sublists)] [word (in-list word-sublist)]) (pt-x (size word)))] ;; for others, we care about size with spaces [_ (for/sum ([q (in-list qs)]) (pt-x (size q)))])) (define empty-hspace (- line-width (quad-ref (car qs) 'inset-left 0) occupied-width (quad-ref (car qs) 'inset-right 0))) (match align-value ["justify" (define space-width (/ empty-hspace (sub1 word-count))) (apply append (add-between word-sublists (list (make-quad #:size (pt space-width line-height)))))] [_ (define space-multiplier (match align-value ["center" 0.5] ["right" 1])) (cons (make-quad #:type filler #:size (pt (* empty-hspace space-multiplier) line-height) #:attrs (quad-attrs (car qs))) qs)])])])) (define-quad offsetter quad ()) (define (finish-line-wrap pcs-in opening-q ending-q idx) ;; remove unused soft hyphens so they don't affect final shaping (define pcs-printing (for/list ([pc (in-list pcs-in)] #:unless (equal? (quad-elems pc) '("\u00AD"))) pc)) (append (cond [(empty? pcs-printing) null] [(hr-break? ending-q) (list (struct-copy quad q:line [draw-start (λ (dq doc) (match-define (list left top) (quad-origin dq)) (match-define (list right bottom)(size dq)) (translate doc left (+ top (/ bottom 2))) (move-to doc 0 0) (line-to doc right 0) (line-width doc 3) (stroke doc "#999"))]))] [else ;; render hyphen first so that all printable characters are available for size-dependent ops. (define pcs-with-hyphen (render-hyphen pcs-printing ending-q)) ;; fill wrap so that consolidate-runs works properly ;; (justified lines won't be totally consolidated) (define pcs (fill-wrap pcs-with-hyphen ending-q)) (match (consolidate-runs pcs ending-q) [(? pair? elems) (define elem (unsafe-car elems)) (match-define (list line-width line-height) (quad-size q:line)) (define new-size (let () (define line-heights (filter-map (λ (q) (quad-ref q 'line-height)) pcs)) (pt line-width (if (empty? line-heights) line-height (apply max line-heights))))) (list (struct-copy quad q:line ;; move block attrs up, so they are visible in page wrap [attrs (copy-block-attrs (quad-attrs elem) (hash-copy (quad-attrs q:line)))] ;; line width is static ;; line height is the max 'line-height value or the natural height of q:line [size new-size] ;; handle list indexes. drop new quad into line to hold list index ;; could also use this for line numbers [elems ;; we assume here that a list item has already had extra inset-left ;; with room for a bullet ;; which we just insert at the front. ;; this is safe because line has already been filled. (append ;; only put bullet into line if we're at the first line of the list item (match (and (eq? idx 1) (quad-ref elem 'list-index)) [#false null] [bullet (list (struct-copy quad q:string ;; copy q:string to get draw routine ;; borrow attrs from elem [attrs (quad-attrs elem)] ;; use bullet as elems [elems (list (if (number? bullet) (format "~a." bullet) bullet))] ;; no size because it's inside inset [size (pt 0 0)]))]) (list (make-quad #:type offsetter #:offset (pt (quad-ref elem 'inset-left 0) 0) #:elems elems)))]))] [_ null])]) (cond [ending-q null] [else (list q:line-spacer)]))) (define (line-wrap qs wrap-size) (apply append ;; next line removes all para-break? quads as a consequence (for/list ([qs (in-list (filter-split qs para-break?))]) (wrap qs (λ (q idx) (- wrap-size (quad-ref q 'inset-left 0) (quad-ref q 'inset-right 0))) #:nicely (match (and (pair? qs) (quad-ref (car qs) 'line-wrap #false)) [(or #false "false") #false] [(or "best" "kp") #true]) #:hard-break line-break? #:soft-break soft-break-for-line? #:finish-wrap finish-line-wrap)))) (define (make-nobreak! q) (quad-set! q 'no-pbr "true")) (define (do-keep-with-next! reversed-lines) ;; paints nobreak onto spacers that follow keep-with-next lines ;; (we are iterating backward, so the geometrically previous ln follows the spacer) (for ([this-ln (in-list reversed-lines)] [prev-ln (in-list (cdr reversed-lines))] #:when (and (line-spacer? this-ln) (quad-ref prev-ln 'keep-with-next))) (make-nobreak! prev-ln) (make-nobreak! this-ln))) (define (apply-keeps lines) (define groups-of-lines (contiguous-group-by (λ (x) (quad-ref x 'display)) lines)) (for*/fold ([reversed-lines null] #:result (begin (do-keep-with-next! reversed-lines) (reverse reversed-lines))) ([group (in-list groups-of-lines)] [group-len (in-value (length group))] [(ln idx0) (in-indexed group)]) (define idx (add1 idx0)) ;; always catch last line of block in this case ;; so later cases are guaranteed to have earlier lines. (unless (eq? idx group-len) (cond ;; if we have 'keep-all we can skip 'keep-first and 'keep-last cases [(quad-ref ln 'keep-all) (make-nobreak! ln)] ;; to keep n lines, we only paint the first n - 1 ;; (because each nobr line sticks to the next) [(let ([keep-first (quad-ref ln 'keep-first)]) (and (number? keep-first) (< idx keep-first))) (make-nobreak! ln)] [(let ([keep-last (quad-ref ln 'keep-last)]) (and (number? keep-last) (< (- group-len keep-last) idx))) (make-nobreak! ln)])) (cons ln reversed-lines))) (define zoom-mode? #f) (define zoom-scale 2) (define top-margin (/ 60 (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1))) (define bottom-margin (/ 120 (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1))) (define side-margin (/ 120 (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1))) (define page-offset (pt (/ side-margin (if zoom-mode? 3 1)) (/ top-margin (if zoom-mode? 3 1)))) (require racket/date) (define q:page (q #:offset page-offset #:draw-start (λ (q doc) (add-page doc) (scale doc (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1) (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1))) #:draw-end (λ (q doc) (font-size doc 10) (font doc default-font-face) (fill-color doc "black") (text doc (format "~a · ~a at ~a" (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'page-number) (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'doc-title) (date->string (current-date) #t)) side-margin (+ (- (pdf-height doc) bottom-margin) 20))))) (define q:doc (q #:draw-start (λ (q doc) (start-doc doc)) #:draw-end (λ (q doc) (end-doc doc)))) (define (block-wrap lines) (define first-line (car lines)) (q #:in 'nw #:out 'sw #:offset (pt 0 (+ (quad-ref first-line 'inset-top 0))) #:elems lines #:size (delay (pt (pt-x (size first-line)) ; (+ (for/sum ([line (in-list lines)]) (pt-y (size line))) (quad-ref first-line 'inset-top 0) (quad-ref first-line 'inset-bottom 0)))) #:draw-start (λ (q doc) ;; adjust drawing coordinates for border inset (match-define (list bil bit bir bib) (map (λ (k) (quad-ref first-line k 0)) '(border-inset-left border-inset-top border-inset-right border-inset-bottom))) (match-define (list left top) (pt+ (quad-origin q) (list bil bit))) (match-define (list width height) (pt- (size q) (list (+ bil bir) (+ bit bib)))) ;; fill rect (cond [(quad-ref first-line 'background-color) => (λ (bgcolor) (rect doc left top width height) (fill doc bgcolor))]) ;; draw border (match-define (list bw-left bw-top bw-right bw-bottom) (map (λ (k) (max 0 (quad-ref first-line k 0))) '(border-width-left border-width-top border-width-right border-width-bottom))) ;; adjust start and end points based on adjacent border width ;; so all borders overlap rectangularly (define (half x) (/ x 2.0)) (define right (+ left width)) (define bottom (+ top height)) (define (box-side x1 y1 x2 y2 color stroke-width) (when (positive? stroke-width) (move-to doc x1 y1) (line-to doc x2 y2) (stroke doc (or color "black") stroke-width))) (box-side (- left (half bw-left)) top (+ right (half bw-right)) top (quad-ref first-line 'border-color-top) bw-top) (box-side right (- top (half bw-top)) right (+ bottom (half bw-bottom)) (quad-ref first-line 'border-color-right) bw-right) (box-side (+ right (half bw-right)) bottom (- left (half bw-left)) bottom (quad-ref first-line 'border-color-bottom) bw-bottom) (box-side left (+ bottom (half bw-bottom)) left (- top (half bw-top)) (quad-ref first-line 'border-color-left) bw-left)) #:draw-end (if draw-debug-block? (λ (q doc) (draw-debug q doc "#6c6" "#9c9")) void))) (define (contiguous-group-by pred xs) ;; like `group-by`, but only groups together contiguous xs with the same pred value. (let loop ([xs xs][groups null]) (match xs [(== empty) (reverse groups)] [(cons first-x other-xs) (define equivalence-val (pred first-x)) (define-values (group-members rest) (splitf-at other-xs (λ (x) (equal? (pred x) equivalence-val)))) (define new-group (cons first-x group-members)) ; group-members might be empty (loop rest (cons new-group groups))]))) (module+ test (require rackunit) (check-equal? (contiguous-group-by values '(1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9)) '((1 1) (2 2 2) (3) (4) (5 5) (6 6) (7) (8) (9)))) (define (page-wrap xs vertical-height path) ;; on timing of `insert-blocks`: ;; can't do it before because it depends on where pages are broken. ;; could do it after, but it would require going back inside each page quad ;; which seems overly interdependent, because `insert-blocks` is used to determine break locations. ;; `page-wrap` should emit quads that are complete. (wrap xs vertical-height #:soft-break (λ (q) #true) #:no-break (λ (q) (quad-ref q 'no-pbr)) #:distance (λ (q dist-so-far wrap-qs) ;; do trial block insertions (for/sum ([x (in-list (insert-blocks wrap-qs))]) (pt-y (size x)))) #:finish-wrap (λ (lns q0 q idx) (list (struct-copy quad q:page [attrs (let ([page-number idx] [h (hash-copy (quad-attrs q:page))]) (hash-set! h 'page-number page-number) (define-values (dir name _) (split-path (path-replace-extension path #""))) (hash-set! h 'doc-title (string-titlecase (path->string name))) h)] [elems (insert-blocks lns)]))))) (define (insert-blocks lines) (define groups-of-lines (contiguous-group-by (λ (x) (quad-ref x 'display)) lines)) (append* (for/list ([line-group (in-list groups-of-lines)]) (match (quad-ref (car line-group) 'display) [#false line-group] [_ (list (block-wrap line-group))])))) (define font-paths (make-hash)) (define (setup-font-path-table! base-path) ;; populate `font-paths` table with font paths ;; search "fonts" subdirectory in project for other subdirectories ;; which are presumed to contain fonts. ;; and link them to their family names & styles. ;; this allows a flexible mapping from internal to external names, like @font-face ;; note that all the semantics are derived from the file system ;; not any metadata fields within the font. ;; this is faster and easier, because you can just muck with the directory and filenames ;; to change the font mapping. ;; though it also creates the potential for mischief, ;; if a font is named something that doesn't reflect its visual reality. ;; but we are not the font police. (define-values (dir path _) (split-path base-path)) (define fonts-dir (build-path dir "fonts")) (for* ([font-family-subdir (in-directory fonts-dir)] #:when (directory-exists? font-family-subdir) [font-path (in-directory font-family-subdir)] #:when (or (path-has-extension? font-path #"otf") (path-has-extension? font-path #"ttf"))) (match-define (list font-path-string family-name) (map (λ (x) (path->string (find-relative-path fonts-dir x))) (list font-path font-family-subdir))) (define key (cons family-name (match (string-downcase font-path-string) [(and (regexp "bold") (regexp "italic")) 'bi] [(regexp "bold") 'b] [(regexp "italic") 'i] [_ 'r]))) ;; only set value if there's not one there already. ;; this means that we only use the first eligible font we find. (hash-ref! font-paths key font-path))) (define (font-attrs->path font-family bold italic) ;; find the font-path corresponding to a certain family name and style. (define key (cons font-family (cond [(and bold italic) 'bi] [bold 'b] [italic 'i] [else 'r]))) (define regular-key (cons font-family 'r)) (cond [(hash-ref font-paths key #false)] ;; if there isn't one, try the regular style. [(hash-ref font-paths regular-key #false)] ;; If there isn't one, use the default. [else default-font-face])) (define (resolve-font-path attrs) (define this-font-family (hash-ref! attrs 'font-family default-font-family)) (define this-bold (hash-ref! attrs 'font-bold #false)) (define this-italic (hash-ref! attrs 'font-italic #false)) (hash-set! attrs 'font-path (font-attrs->path this-font-family this-bold this-italic))) (define (parse-percentage pstr) (/ (string->number (string-trim pstr "%")) 100.0)) (define (resolve-font-size attrs) (define this-font-size (hash-ref! attrs 'font-size default-font-size)) (define this-font-size-adjust (parse-percentage (hash-ref! attrs 'font-size-adjust "100%"))) ;; we bake the adjustment into the font size... (hash-set! attrs 'font-size (* this-font-size this-font-size-adjust)) ;; and then set the adjustment back to 100% (since it's now accounted for) (hash-set! attrs 'font-size-adjust "100%")) (define (handle-cascading-attrs attrs) (resolve-font-path attrs) (resolve-font-size attrs)) (define-quad first-line-indent quad ()) (define (insert-first-line-indents qs-in) ;; first line indents are quads inserted at the beginning of a paragraph ;; (that is, just after a paragraph break) ;; they need to be installed before line wrap ;; to be compatible with first-fit and best-fit. (for/fold ([qs-out null] #:result (reverse qs-out)) ([q (in-list qs-in)] [next-q (in-list (cdr qs-in))]) (match (and (para-break? q) (quad-ref next-q 'first-line-indent 0)) [(or #false 0) (cons next-q qs-out)] [indent-val (list* next-q (make-quad #:type first-line-indent #:attrs (quad-attrs next-q) #:size (pt indent-val 0)) qs-out)]))) (define (run xs pdf-path) (define pdf (time-name make-pdf (make-pdf #:compress #t #:auto-first-page #f #:output-path pdf-path #:width (if zoom-mode? 350 612) #:height (if zoom-mode? 400 792)))) (define line-width (- (pdf-width pdf) (* 2 side-margin))) (define vertical-height (- (pdf-height pdf) top-margin bottom-margin)) (setup-font-path-table! pdf-path) (parameterize ([current-doc pdf] [verbose-quad-printing? #false]) (let* ([x (time-name parse-qexpr (qexpr->quad xs))] [x (time-name atomize (atomize x #:attrs-proc handle-cascading-attrs))] [x (time-name hyphenate (handle-hyphenate x))] [x (time-name ->string-quad (map ->string-quad x))] [x (time-name insert-first-line-indents (insert-first-line-indents x))] [x (time-name line-wrap (line-wrap x line-width))] [x (time-name apply-keeps (apply-keeps x))] [x (time-name page-wrap (page-wrap x vertical-height pdf-path))] [x (time-name position (position (struct-copy quad q:doc [elems x])))]) (time-name draw (draw x pdf))))) (define-syntax (mb stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ PDF-PATH . STRS) #'(#%module-begin ;; stick an nbsp in the strings so we have one printing char (define strs (match (list . STRS) [(? null?) '(" ")] [strs strs])) (define qx (root null (add-between strs (list pbr) #:before-first (list pbr) #:after-last (list pbr) #:splice? #true))) (run qx PDF-PATH))])) (module+ reader (require scribble/reader syntax/strip-context (only-in markdown parse-markdown) racket/match txexpr) (provide (rename-out [quad-read-syntax read-syntax])) (define (xexpr->parse-tree x) ;; an ordinary txexpr can't serve as a parse tree because of the attrs list fails when passed to #%app. ;; so stick an `attr-list` identifier on it which can hook into the expander. ;; sort of SXML-ish. (let loop ([x x]) (match x [(txexpr tag attrs elems) (list* tag (cons 'attr-list attrs) (map loop elems))] [(? list? xs) (map loop xs)] [_ x]))) (define (quad-read-syntax path-string p) (define quad-at-reader (make-at-reader #:syntax? #t #:inside? #t #:command-char #\◊)) (define stx (quad-at-reader path-string p)) (define parsed-stxs (datum->syntax stx (xexpr->parse-tree (parse-markdown (apply string-append (syntax->datum stx)))))) (strip-context (with-syntax ([STXS parsed-stxs] [PDF-PATH (path-replace-extension path-string #".pdf")]) #'(module _ qtest/markdown PDF-PATH . STXS)))))