#lang fontkit/racket (require (prefix-in Script- "script.rkt") "glyph.rkt" "glyphrun.rkt" "glyph-position.rkt" "ot-layout-engine.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/layout/LayoutEngine.js |# (define-subclass object% (LayoutEngine font) (field [unicodeLayoutEngine #f] [kernProcessor #f] [engine ;; Choose an advanced layout engine. ;; We try the AAT morx table first since more ;; scripts are currently supported because ;; the shaping logic is built into the font. (cond [(· this font has-morx-table?) (error 'morx-layout-unimplemented)] [(or (· this font has-gsub-table?) (· this font has-gpos-table?)) #;(report/file 'starting-layout-engine) (+OTLayoutEngine (· this font))] [else #f])]) (as-methods layout substitute position hideDefaultIgnorables isDefaultIgnorable)) (define/contract (layout this str-or-glyphs [features #f] ;; Attempt to detect the script if not provided. [script (if (string? str-or-glyphs) (Script-forString str-or-glyphs) (Script-forCodePoints (append-map (λ (g) (· g codePoints)) str-or-glyphs)))] [language #f]) (((or/c string? (listof Glyph?))) ((option/c list?) (option/c symbol?) (option/c symbol?)) . ->*m . GlyphRun?) (define glyphs ;; Map string to glyphs if needed (if (string? str-or-glyphs) (send (· this font) glyphsForString str-or-glyphs) str-or-glyphs)) #;(report*/file 'starting-layout-in-layout-engine glyphs) (cond [(empty? glyphs) (+GlyphRun glyphs empty)] ; Return early if there are no glyphs [else ;; Setup the advanced layout engine (when (and (· this engine) #;(·? engine setup)) (send (· this engine) setup glyphs features script language)) ;; Substitute and position the glyphs (set! glyphs (send this substitute glyphs features script language)) (report/file 'end-sub) #;(error 'stop) (report/file 'ready-position) (define positions (send this position glyphs features script language)) (report/file 'fired-position) ;; Let the layout engine clean up any state it might have (when (and (· this engine) #;(·? this engine cleanup)) (· this engine cleanup)) (+GlyphRun glyphs positions)])) (define (substitute this glyphs features script language) #;((is-a?/c GlyphRun) . ->m . void?) ;; Call the advanced layout engine to make substitutions (when (and (· this engine) #;(· this engine substitute)) (send (· this engine) substitute glyphs features script language)) glyphs) (define/contract (position this glyphs features script language) ((listof Glyph?) (option/c list?) (option/c symbol?) (option/c symbol?) . ->m . (listof GlyphPosition?)) (define positions (for/list ([glyph (in-list glyphs)]) (make-object GlyphPosition (· glyph advanceWidth)))) ;; Call the advanced layout engine. Returns the features applied. (define positioned (and (· this engine) #;(· this engine position) (send (· this engine) position glyphs positions features script language))) ;; if there is no GPOS table, use unicode properties to position marks. ;; todo: unicode layout #;(unless positioned (unless (· this unicodeLayoutEngine) (set! unicodeLayoutEngine (+UnicodeLayoutEngine (· this font)))) (send unicodeLayoutEngine positionGlyphs glyphs positions)) ;; if kerning is not supported by GPOS, do kerning with the TrueType/AAT kern table ;; todo: old style kern table #;(when (and (or (not positioned) (not (· positioned kern))) (· this font kern)) (unless kernProcessor (set! kernProcessor (+KernProcessor (· this font)))) (send kernProcessor process glyphs positions)) positions ) (define/contract (hideDefaultIgnorables this glyphRun) ((is-a?/c GlyphRun) . ->m . void?) (define space (send (· this font) glyphForCodePoint #x20)) (define-values (new-glyphs new-positions) (for/lists (ngs nps) ([glyph (in-list (· glyphRun glyphs))] [pos (in-list (· glyphRun positions))]) (cond [(send this isDefaultIgnorable (car (· glyph codePoints))) (define new-pos pos) (set-field! xAdvance new-pos 0) (set-field! yAdvance new-pos 0) (values space new-pos)] [else (values glyph pos)]))) (set-field! glyphs glyphRun new-glyphs) (set-field! positions glyphRun new-positions)) (define/contract (isDefaultIgnorable this codepoint) (index? . ->m . boolean?) #f ; todo: everything )