#lang debug racket/base (require "helper.rkt" "unsafe/freetype.rkt" "glyph.rkt" "bbox.rkt" "glyphrun.rkt" "directory.rkt" "db.rkt" "struct.rkt" "table-stream.rkt" xenomorph racket/match sugar/unstable/dict "unsafe/harfbuzz.rkt" "glyph-position.rkt" sugar/list racket/promise crc32c) (provide (all-defined-out)) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/TTFFont.js |# (define ft-library (delay (FT_Init_FreeType))) (define (+ttf-font port [decoded-tables (mhash)] [src (path->string (object-name port))] [directory (delay (decode Directory port #:parent (mhash x:start-offset-key 0)))] [ft-face (delay (and src (FT_New_Face (force ft-library) src)))] [hb-font (delay (and src (hb_ft_font_create (force ft-face))))] [hb-buf (delay (hb_buffer_create))] [crc (begin0 (crc32c-input-port port) (pos port 0))] [get-head-table-proc #f]) (unless (input-port? port) (raise-argument-error '+ttf-font "input port" port)) (unless (member (peek-bytes 4 0 port) (list #"true" #"OTTO" (bytes 0 1 0 0))) (do-probe-fail!)) (define font (ttf-font port decoded-tables src directory ft-face hb-font hb-buf crc get-head-table-proc)) ;; needed for `loca` table decoding cross-reference (set-ttf-font-get-head-table-proc! font (delay (get-head-table font))) font) (define (font-postscript-name font) (FT_Get_Postscript_Name (ft-face font))) (define (font-units-per-em font) (hash-ref (get-head-table font) 'unitsPerEm)) (define (font-ascent font) (hash-ref (get-hhea-table font) 'ascent)) (define (font-descent font) (hash-ref (get-hhea-table font) 'descent)) (define (font-linegap font) (hash-ref (get-hhea-table font) 'lineGap)) (define (font-underline-position font) (hash-ref (get-post-table font) 'underlinePosition)) (define (font-underline-thickness font) (hash-ref (get-post-table font) 'underlineThickness)) (define (font-italic-angle font) (hash-ref (get-post-table font) 'italicAngle)) (define (font-cap-height font) (if (has-table? font #"OS/2") (hash-ref (get-OS/2-table font) 'capHeight) (font-ascent font))) (define (font-x-height font) (if (has-table? font #"OS/2") (hash-ref (get-OS/2-table font) 'xHeight) 0)) (define (font-bbox font) (define head-table (get-head-table font)) (+bbox (hash-ref head-table 'xMin) (hash-ref head-table 'yMin) (hash-ref head-table 'xMax) (hash-ref head-table 'yMax))) (define current-layout-caching (make-parameter #false)) (struct hb-gid (val) #:transparent) (struct hb-cluster (chars) #:transparent) (struct hb-position (xad yad xoff yoff etc) #:transparent) (struct hb-layout (hb-gids hb-clusters hb-positions) #:transparent) (define hb-output (x:struct 'hb-gids (x:array #:type uint16 #:length uint16) 'hb-clusters (x:array #:type (x:array #:type uint16 #:length uint16) #:length uint16) 'hb-positions (x:array #:type (x:array #:type uint16 #:length 5) #:length uint16))) (define (hb-layout->glyphrun font hbr) (match hbr [(hash-table ('hb-gids gids) ('hb-clusters clusters) ('hb-positions posns)) (define glyphs (for/list ([gidx (in-list gids)] [cluster (in-list clusters)]) (get-glyph font gidx cluster))) (define positions (for/list ([posn (in-list posns)]) (apply +glyph-position posn))) (glyphrun glyphs positions)])) (define (harfbuzz-layout font codepoints features script language) (define buf (hb-buf font)) (hb_buffer_reset buf) (hb_buffer_add_codepoints buf codepoints) (define chars (map hb_glyph_info_t-codepoint (hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos buf))) (hb_shape (hb-font font) buf (map tag->hb-feature (or features null))) (define gis (hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos buf)) (dictify 'hb-gids (map hb_glyph_info_t-codepoint gis) 'hb-clusters (break-at chars (map hb_glyph_info_t-cluster gis)) 'hb-positions (map hb_glyph_position_t->list (hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions buf)))) (define layout-cache (make-hasheqv)) (define hb-input (x:struct 'font-crc uint32 'codepoints (x:array #:type uint16) 'userFeatures (x:array #:type (x:string #:length uint8)))) (define (layout-cache-key font-crc codepoints user-features . _) (crc32c-bytes (encode hb-input (dictify 'font-crc font-crc 'codepoints codepoints 'userFeatures user-features) #f))) ;; Returns a GlyphRun object, which includes an array of Glyphs and GlyphPositions for the given string. (init-db) ; make sure db is ready for queries (define (layout font string [user-features #f] [script #f] [language #f] #:test [test #f]) #;((string?) ((option/c (listof symbol?)) (option/c symbol?) (option/c symbol?)) . ->*m . GlyphRun?) (define (get-layout string) (define codepoints (map char->integer (string->list string))) (define args (list codepoints (if user-features (sort user-features symbolglyphrun font layout)) (map get-layout substrs)))] [else (if test (get-layout string) (hb-layout->glyphrun font (get-layout string)))])) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/index.js |# ;; Register font formats (define font-formats (list +ttf-font)) ;;fontkit.registerFormat(WOFFFont); ;; todo ;;fontkit.registerFormat(WOFF2Font); ;; todo ;;fontkit.registerFormat(TrueTypeCollection); ;; todo ;;fontkit.registerFormat(DFont); ;; todo #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/base.js |# (define (open-font str-or-path) (define filename (if (path? str-or-path) (path->string str-or-path) str-or-path)) (create-font (open-input-file filename))) (struct probe-fail exn ()) (define (do-probe-fail!) (raise (probe-fail "fail" (current-continuation-marks)))) (define (create-font port) (or ;; rather than use a `probe` function, ;; just try making a font with each format and see what happens (for/first ([font-format (in-list font-formats)]) (with-handlers ([probe-fail? (λ (exn) #f)]) (font-format port))) (error 'create-font "unknown font format"))) (module+ test (require rackunit) (define charter (open-font charter-path)) (define fira (open-font (path->string fira-path))) (define otf (open-font (path->string fira-otf-path))) (check-equal? (font-postscript-name charter) "Charter") (check-equal? (font-units-per-em charter) 1000) (check-equal? (font-ascent charter) 980) (check-equal? (font-descent charter) -238) (check-equal? (font-linegap charter) 0) (check-equal? (font-underline-position charter) -178) (check-equal? (font-underline-thickness charter) 58) (check-equal? (font-italic-angle charter) 0) (check-equal? (font-cap-height charter) 671) (check-equal? (font-x-height charter) 481) (check-equal? (bbox->list (font-bbox charter)) '(-161 -236 1193 963)) (check-equal? (caar (hash-ref (layout charter "f" #:test #t) 'hb-positions)) 321) (check-true (has-table? charter #"cmap")) (check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (get-table charter 'nonexistent-table-tag))) (check-true (let ([h (layout fira "Rifle" #:test #t)]) (and (equal? (hash-ref h 'hb-gids) '(227 480 732 412)) (equal? (hash-ref h 'hb-clusters) '((82) (105) (102 108) (101))) (equal? (hash-ref h 'hb-positions) '((601 0 0 0 0) (279 0 0 0 0) (580 0 0 0 0) (547 0 0 0 0)))))))