#lang reader (submod "racket.rkt" reader) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/restructure/blob/master/test/VersionedStruct.coffee |# ;describe 'VersionedStruct', -> ; describe 'decode', -> ; it 'should get version from number type', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'gender uint8)))]) (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x00\x05roxyb\x15")]) (check-equal? (dump (decode struct)) (hasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'version 0))) (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x01\x0aroxyb 馃\x15\x00"))]) (check-equal? (dump (decode struct)) (hasheq 'name "roxyb 馃" 'age 21 'version 1 'gender 0)))) ; it 'should throw for unknown version', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'gender uint8)))]) (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x05\x05roxyb\x15")]) (check-exn exn:fail:contract? (位 () (decode struct))))) ; ; it 'should support common header block', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 'header (dictify 'age uint8 'alive uint8) 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii)) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'gender uint8)))]) (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x00\x15\x01\x05roxyb")]) (check-equal? (dump (decode struct)) (hasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'alive 1 'version 0))) (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x01\x15\x01\x0aroxyb 馃\x00"))]) (check-equal? (dump (decode struct)) (hasheq 'name "roxyb 馃" 'age 21 'version 1 'alive 1 'gender 0)))) ; it 'should support parent version key', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct 'version (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'gender uint8)))]) (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x05roxyb\x15")]) (check-equal? (dump (decode struct #:parent (mhash 'version 0))) (hasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'version 0))) (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x0aroxyb 馃\x15\x00"))]) (check-equal? (dump (decode struct #:parent (mhash 'version 1))) (hasheq 'name "roxyb 馃" 'age 21 'version 1 'gender 0)))) ; ; it 'should support sub versioned structs', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8)) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8) 'isDessert uint8)))))]) (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x00\x05roxyb\x15")]) (check-equal? (dump (decode struct #:parent (mhash 'version 0))) (hasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'version 0))) (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x01\x00\x05pasta")]) (check-equal? (dump (decode struct #:parent (mhash 'version 0))) (hasheq 'name "pasta" 'version 0))) (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x01\x01\x09ice cream\x01")]) (check-equal? (dump (decode struct #:parent (mhash 'version 0))) (hasheq 'name "ice cream" 'isDessert 1 'version 1)))) ; ; it 'should support process hook', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'gender uint8)))]) (set-field! post-decode struct (位 (o stream ctx) (ref-set! o 'processed "true") o)) (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x00\x05roxyb\x15")]) (check-equal? (dump (decode struct)) (hasheq 'name "roxyb" 'processed "true" 'age 21 'version 0)))) ; ; describe 'size', -> ; it 'should compute the correct size', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'gender uint8)))]) (check-equal? (size struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'version 0)) 8) (check-equal? (size struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 馃" 'gender 0 'age 21 'version 1)) 14)) ; ; it 'should throw for unknown version', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'gender uint8)))]) (check-exn exn:fail:contract? (位 () (size struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'version 5))))) ; ; it 'should support common header block', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 'header (dictify 'age uint8 'alive uint8) 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii)) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'gender uint8)))]) (check-equal? (size struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'alive 1 'version 0)) 9) (check-equal? (size struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 馃" 'gender 0 'age 21 'alive 1 'version 1)) 15)) ; it 'should compute the correct size with pointers', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'ptr (+Pointer uint8 (+StringT uint8)))))]) (check-equal? (size struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'version 1 'ptr "hello")) 15)) ; ; it 'should throw if no value is given', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'gender uint8)))]) (check-exn exn:fail:contract? (位 () (size struct)))) ; describe 'encode', -> ; it 'should encode objects to buffers', (done) -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'gender uint8)))] [port (open-output-bytes)]) (encode struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'version 0) port) (encode struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 馃" 'age 21 'gender 0 'version 1) port) (check-equal? (dump port) (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x00\x05roxyb\x15\x01\x0aroxyb 馃\x15\x00"))) ; ; it 'should throw for unknown version', -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'gender uint8)))] [port (open-output-bytes)]) (check-exn exn:fail:contract? (位 () (encode struct port (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'version 5))))) ; it 'should support common header block', (done) -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 'header (dictify 'age uint8 'alive uint8) 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii)) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'gender uint8)))] [stream (open-output-bytes)]) (encode struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'alive 1 'version 0) stream) (encode struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 馃" 'gender 0 'age 21 'alive 1 'version 1) stream) (check-equal? (dump stream) (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x00\x15\x01\x05roxyb\x01\x15\x01\x0aroxyb 馃\x00"))) ; it 'should encode pointer data after structure', (done) -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'ptr (+Pointer uint8 (+StringT uint8)))))] [stream (open-output-bytes)]) (encode struct (mhasheq 'version 1 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'ptr "hello") stream) (check-equal? (dump stream) (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x01\x05roxyb\x15\x09\x05hello"))) ; it 'should support preEncode hook', (done) -> (let ([struct (+VersionedStruct uint8 (dictify 0 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'ascii) 'age uint8) 1 (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8 'utf8) 'age uint8 'gender uint8)))] [stream (open-output-bytes)]) (set-field! pre-encode struct (位 (val port) (ref-set! val 'version (if (ref val 'gender) 1 0)) val)) (encode struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'version 0) stream) (encode struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb 馃" 'age 21 'gender 0) stream) (check-equal? (dump stream) (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x00\x05roxyb\x15\x01\x0aroxyb 馃\x15\x00")))