#lang reader (submod "racket.rkt" reader) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/restructure/blob/master/test/Number.coffee |# ;describe 'Number', -> ; describe 'uint8', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes #xab #xff))]) (check-equal? (decode uint8) #xab) (check-equal? (decode uint8) #xff)) (check-equal? (size uint8) 1) (let ([port (open-output-bytes)]) (encode uint8 #xab port) (encode uint8 #xff port) (check-equal? (dump port) (bytes #xab #xff))) ; describe 'uint16', -> ; it 'is an alias for uint16be', -> ; modified test: `uint16` is the same endianness as the platform (check-equal? (decode uint16 (bytes 0 1)) (send (if (system-big-endian?) uint16be uint16le) decode (bytes 0 1))) ; describe 'uint16be', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode uint16be (open-input-bytes (bytes #xab #xff))) #xabff) (check-equal? (size uint16be) 2) (check-equal? (encode uint16be #xabff #f) (bytes #xab #xff)) ; ; describe 'uint16le', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode uint16le (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab))) #xabff) (check-equal? (size uint16le) 2) (check-equal? (encode uint16le #xabff #f) (bytes #xff #xab)) ; ; describe 'uint24', -> ; it 'is an alias for uint24be', -> ;; modified test: `uint24` is the same endianness as the platform (check-equal? (decode uint24 (bytes 0 1 2)) (send (if (system-big-endian?) uint24be uint24le) decode (bytes 0 1 2))) ; ; describe 'uint24be', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode uint24be (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab #x24))) #xffab24) (check-equal? (size uint24be) 3) (check-equal? (encode uint24be #xffab24 #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24)) ; ; describe 'uint24le', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode uint24le (open-input-bytes (bytes #x24 #xab #xff))) #xffab24) (check-equal? (size uint24le) 3) (check-equal? (encode uint24le #xffab24 #f) (bytes #x24 #xab #xff)) ; ; describe 'uint32', -> ; it 'is an alias for uint32be', -> ;; modified test: `uint32` is the same endianness as the platform (check-equal? (decode uint32 (bytes 0 1 2 3)) (send (if (system-big-endian?) uint32be uint32le) decode (bytes 0 1 2 3))) ; ; describe 'uint32be', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode uint32be (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab #x24 #xbf))) #xffab24bf) (check-equal? (size uint32be) 4) (check-equal? (encode uint32be #xffab24bf #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24 #xbf)) ; ; describe 'uint32le', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode uint32le (open-input-bytes (bytes #xbf #x24 #xab #xff))) #xffab24bf) (check-equal? (size uint32le) 4) (check-equal? (encode uint32le #xffab24bf #f) (bytes #xbf #x24 #xab #xff)) ; ; describe 'int8', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (let ([port (open-input-bytes (bytes #x7f #xff))]) (check-equal? (decode int8 port) 127) (check-equal? (decode int8 port) -1)) (check-equal? (size int8) 1) (let ([port (open-output-bytes)]) (encode int8 127 port) (encode int8 -1 port) (check-equal? (dump port) (bytes #x7f #xff))) ; ; describe 'int16', -> ; it 'is an alias for int16be', -> ; int16.should.equal int16be ;; modified test: `int16` is the same endianness as the platform (check-equal? (decode int16 (bytes 0 1)) (send (if (system-big-endian?) int16be int16le) decode (bytes 0 1))) ; ; describe 'int16be', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (let ([port (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab))]) (check-equal? (decode int16be port) -85)) (check-equal? (size int16be) 2) (let ([port (open-output-bytes)]) (encode int16be -85 port) (check-equal? (dump port) (bytes #xff #xab))) ; describe 'int16le', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode int16le (open-input-bytes (bytes #xab #xff))) -85) (check-equal? (size int16le) 2) (check-equal? (encode int16le -85 #f) (bytes #xab #xff)) ; ; describe 'int24', -> ; it 'is an alias for int24be', -> ; int24.should.equal int24be ;; modified test: `int24` is the same endianness as the platform (check-equal? (decode int24 (bytes 0 1 2)) (send (if (system-big-endian?) int24be int24le) decode (bytes 0 1 2))) ; ; describe 'int24be', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode int24be (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab #x24))) -21724) (check-equal? (size int24be) 3) (check-equal? (encode int24be -21724 #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24)) ; ; describe 'int24le', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode int24le (open-input-bytes (bytes #x24 #xab #xff))) -21724) (check-equal? (size int24le) 3) (check-equal? (encode int24le -21724 #f) (bytes #x24 #xab #xff)) ; describe 'int32', -> ; it 'is an alias for int32be', -> ; modified test: `int32` is the same endianness as the platform (check-equal? (decode int32 (bytes 0 1 2 3)) (send (if (system-big-endian?) int32be int32le) decode (bytes 0 1 2 3))) ; ; describe 'int32be', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode int32be (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab #x24 #xbf))) -5561153) (check-equal? (size int32be) 4) (check-equal? (encode int32be -5561153 #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24 #xbf)) ; ; describe 'int32le', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode int32le (open-input-bytes (bytes #xbf #x24 #xab #xff))) -5561153) (check-equal? (size int32le) 4) (check-equal? (encode int32le -5561153 #f) (bytes #xbf #x24 #xab #xff)) ; ; describe 'float', -> ; it 'is an alias for floatbe', -> ; modified test: `float` is the same endianness as the platform (check-equal? (decode float (bytes 0 1 2 3)) (send (if (system-big-endian?) floatbe floatle) decode (bytes 0 1 2 3))) ; ; describe 'floatbe', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-= (decode floatbe (open-input-bytes (bytes #x43 #x7a #x8c #xcd))) 250.55 0.01) (check-equal? (size floatbe) 4) (check-equal? (encode floatbe 250.55 #f) (bytes #x43 #x7a #x8c #xcd)) ; ; describe 'floatle', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-= (decode floatle (open-input-bytes (bytes #xcd #x8c #x7a #x43))) 250.55 0.01) (check-equal? (size floatle) 4) (check-equal? (encode floatle 250.55 #f) (bytes #xcd #x8c #x7a #x43)) ; ; describe 'double', -> ; it 'is an alias for doublebe', -> ; modified test: `double` is the same endianness as the platform (check-equal? (decode double (bytes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)) (send (if (system-big-endian?) doublebe doublele) decode (bytes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))) ; ; describe 'doublebe', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode doublebe (open-input-bytes (bytes #x40 #x93 #x4a #x3d #x70 #xa3 #xd7 #x0a))) 1234.56) (check-equal? (size doublebe) 8) (check-equal? (encode doublebe 1234.56 #f) (bytes #x40 #x93 #x4a #x3d #x70 #xa3 #xd7 #x0a)) ; ; describe 'doublele', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (decode doublele (open-input-bytes (bytes #x0a #xd7 #xa3 #x70 #x3d #x4a #x93 #x40))) 1234.56) (check-equal? (size doublele) 8) (check-equal? (encode doublele 1234.56 #f) (bytes #x0a #xd7 #xa3 #x70 #x3d #x4a #x93 #x40)) ; ; describe 'fixed16', -> ; it 'is an alias for fixed16be', -> ; modified test: `fixed16` is the same endianness as the platform (check-equal? (decode fixed16 (bytes 0 1)) (send (if (system-big-endian?) fixed16be fixed16le) decode (bytes 0 1))) ; ; describe 'fixed16be', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-= (decode fixed16be (open-input-bytes (bytes #x19 #x57))) 25.34 0.01) (check-equal? (size fixed16be) 2) (check-equal? (encode fixed16be 25.34 #f) (bytes #x19 #x57)) ; ; describe 'fixed16le', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-= (decode fixed16le (open-input-bytes (bytes #x57 #x19))) 25.34 0.01) (check-equal? (size fixed16le) 2) (check-equal? (encode fixed16le 25.34 #f) (bytes #x57 #x19)) ; ; describe 'fixed32', -> ; it 'is an alias for fixed32be', -> ; modified test: `fixed32` is the same endianness as the platform (check-equal? (decode fixed32 (bytes 0 1 2 3)) (send (if (system-big-endian?) fixed32be fixed32le) decode (bytes 0 1 2 3))) ; ; describe 'fixed32be', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-= (decode fixed32be (open-input-bytes (bytes #x00 #xfa #x8c #xcc))) 250.55 0.01) (check-equal? (size fixed32be) 4) (check-equal? (encode fixed32be 250.55 #f) (bytes #x00 #xfa #x8c #xcc)) ; ; describe 'fixed32le', -> ; it 'should decode', -> ; it 'should have a size', -> ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-= (decode fixed32le (open-input-bytes (bytes #xcc #x8c #xfa #x00))) 250.55 0.01) (check-equal? (size fixed32le) 4) (check-equal? (encode fixed32le 250.55 #f) (bytes #xcc #x8c #xfa #x00))