#lang reader (submod "racket.rkt" reader) (require racket/match) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/restructure/blob/master/test/Bitfield.coffee |# ;describe 'Bitfield', -> ; bitfield = new Bitfield uint8, ['Jack', 'Kack', 'Lack', 'Mack', 'Nack', 'Oack', 'Pack', 'Quack'] ; JACK = 1 << 0 ; KACK = 1 << 1 ; LACK = 1 << 2 ; MACK = 1 << 3 ; NACK = 1 << 4 ; OACK = 1 << 5 ; PACK = 1 << 6 ; QUACK = 1 << 7 (define bitfield (+Bitfield uint8 '(Jack Kack Lack Mack Nack Oack Pack Quack))) (match-define (list JACK KACK LACK MACK NACK OACK PACK QUACK) (map (curry arithmetic-shift 1) (range 8))) ; it 'should have the right size', -> (check-equal? (size bitfield) 1) ; it 'should decode', -> (parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes (bitwise-ior JACK MACK PACK NACK QUACK)))]) (check-equal? (decode bitfield) (mhasheq 'Quack #t 'Nack #t 'Lack #f 'Oack #f 'Pack #t 'Mack #t 'Jack #t 'Kack #f))) ; it 'should encode', (done) -> (check-equal? (encode bitfield (mhasheq 'Quack #t 'Nack #t 'Lack #f 'Oack #f 'Pack #t 'Mack #t 'Jack #t 'Kack #f) #f) (bytes (bitwise-ior JACK MACK PACK NACK QUACK)))