var test = require('tape'); var forEach = require('../foreach.js'); test('second argument: iterator', function (t) { var arr = []; t.throws(function () { forEach(arr); }, TypeError, 'undefined is not a function'); t.throws(function () { forEach(arr, null); }, TypeError, 'null is not a function'); t.throws(function () { forEach(arr, ''); }, TypeError, 'string is not a function'); t.throws(function () { forEach(arr, /a/); }, TypeError, 'regex is not a function'); t.throws(function () { forEach(arr, true); }, TypeError, 'true is not a function'); t.throws(function () { forEach(arr, false); }, TypeError, 'false is not a function'); t.throws(function () { forEach(arr, NaN); }, TypeError, 'NaN is not a function'); t.throws(function () { forEach(arr, 42); }, TypeError, '42 is not a function'); t.doesNotThrow(function () { forEach(arr, function () {}); }, 'function is a function'); t.doesNotThrow(function () { forEach(arr, setTimeout); }, 'setTimeout is a function'); if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { t.doesNotThrow(function () { forEach(arr, window.alert); }, 'alert is a function'); } t.end(); }); test('array', function (t) { var arr = [1, 2, 3]; t.test('iterates over every item', function (st) { var index = 0; forEach(arr, function () { index += 1; }); st.equal(index, arr.length, 'iterates ' + arr.length + ' times'); st.end(); }); t.test('first iterator argument', function (st) { var index = 0; st.plan(arr.length); forEach(arr, function (item) { st.equal(arr[index], item, 'item ' + index + ' is passed as first argument'); index += 1; }); st.end(); }); t.test('second iterator argument', function (st) { var counter = 0; st.plan(arr.length); forEach(arr, function (item, index) { st.equal(counter, index, 'index ' + index + ' is passed as second argument'); counter += 1; }); st.end(); }); t.test('third iterator argument', function (st) { st.plan(arr.length); forEach(arr, function (item, index, array) { st.deepEqual(arr, array, 'array is passed as third argument'); }); st.end(); }); t.test('context argument', function (st) { var context = {}; st.plan(arr.length); forEach(arr, function () { st.equal(this, context, '"this" is the passed context'); }, context); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('object', function (t) { var obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }; var keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']; var F = function () { this.a = 1; this.b = 2; }; F.prototype.c = 3; var fKeys = ['a', 'b']; t.test('iterates over every object literal key', function (st) { var counter = 0; forEach(obj, function () { counter += 1; }); st.equal(counter, keys.length, 'iterated ' + counter + ' times'); st.end(); }); t.test('iterates only over own keys', function (st) { var counter = 0; forEach(new F(), function () { counter += 1; }); st.equal(counter, fKeys.length, 'iterated ' + fKeys.length + ' times'); st.end(); }); t.test('first iterator argument', function (st) { var index = 0; st.plan(keys.length); forEach(obj, function (item) { st.equal(obj[keys[index]], item, 'item at key ' + keys[index] + ' is passed as first argument'); index += 1; }); st.end(); }); t.test('second iterator argument', function (st) { var counter = 0; st.plan(keys.length); forEach(obj, function (item, key) { st.equal(keys[counter], key, 'key ' + key + ' is passed as second argument'); counter += 1; }); st.end(); }); t.test('third iterator argument', function (st) { st.plan(keys.length); forEach(obj, function (item, key, object) { st.deepEqual(obj, object, 'object is passed as third argument'); }); st.end(); }); t.test('context argument', function (st) { var context = {}; st.plan(1); forEach({foo: 'bar'}, function () { st.equal(this, context, '"this" is the passed context'); }, context); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('string', function (t) { var str = 'str'; t.test('second iterator argument', function (st) { var counter = 0; st.plan(str.length * 2 + 1); forEach(str, function (item, index) { st.equal(counter, index, 'index ' + index + ' is passed as second argument'); st.equal(str.charAt(index), item); counter += 1; }); st.equal(counter, str.length, 'iterates ' + str.length + ' times'); }); t.end(); });