#lang fontkit/racket (require xenomorph) (provide (all-defined-out)) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/tables/hmtx.js |# (define-subclass Struct (Rhmtx)) (define HmtxEntry (+Struct (dictify 'advance uint16be 'bearing int16be))) (define hmtx (+Rhmtx (dictify 'metrics (+LazyArray HmtxEntry (λ (this-array) (· this-array parent hhea numberOfMetrics))) 'bearings (+LazyArray int16be (λ (this-array) (- (· this-array parent maxp numGlyphs) (· this-array parent hhea numberOfMetrics))))))) (test-module ;; same as hmtx but doesn't require resolution of function to get length (define hmtx-test (+Rhmtx (dictify 'metrics (+LazyArray HmtxEntry (λ (t) 229)) 'bearing (+LazyArray int16be (λ (t) 0))))) (define ip (open-input-file charter-path)) (define dir (deserialize (read (open-input-file charter-directory-path)))) (define hmtx-offset (· dir tables hmtx offset)) (define hmtx-length (· dir tables hmtx length)) (check-equal? hmtx-offset 456) (check-equal? hmtx-length 916) (define hmtx-bytes (peek-bytes hmtx-length hmtx-offset ip)) (define hmtx-data (send hmtx-test decode (+DecodeStream hmtx-bytes))) (check-equal? (send hmtx-test size) (* 229 (send HmtxEntry size))) (define H-gid 41) (define OE-gid 142) (check-equal? (send (· hmtx-data metrics) get H-gid) (mhasheq 'advance 738 'bearing 33)) (check-equal? (send (· hmtx-data metrics) get OE-gid) (mhasheq 'advance 993 'bearing 43)) )