#lang racket (require "main.rkt") (require rackunit) ;; ABC problem: ;; what is the minimum value of ;; ABC ;; ------- ;; A+B+C (define abc-problem (new problem%)) (send abc-problem add-variables '("a" "b" "c") (range 1 10)) (define (test-solution s) (let ([a (hash-ref s "a")] [b (hash-ref s "b")] [c (hash-ref s "c")]) (/ (+ (* 100 a) (* 10 b) c) (+ a b c)))) (check-hash-items (argmin test-solution (send abc-problem get-solutions)) #hash(("c" . 9) ("b" . 9) ("a" . 1))) ;; quarter problem: ;; 26 coins, dollars and quarters ;; that add up to $17. (define quarter-problem (new problem%)) (send quarter-problem add-variables '("dollars" "quarters") (range 1 27)) (send quarter-problem add-constraint (λ(d q) (= 17 (+ d (* 0.25 q)))) '("dollars" "quarters")) (send quarter-problem add-constraint (λ(d q) (= 26 (+ d q))) '("dollars" "quarters")) (check-hash-items (send quarter-problem get-solution) '#hash(("dollars" . 14) ("quarters" . 12))) ;; coin problem 2 #| A collection of 33 coins, consisting of nickels, dimes, and quarters, has a value of $3.30. If there are three times as many nickels as quarters, and one-half as many dimes as nickels, how many coins of each kind are there? |# (define nickel-problem (new problem%)) (send nickel-problem add-variables '(nickels dimes quarters) (range 1 34)) (send nickel-problem add-constraint (λ(n d q) (= 33 (+ n d q))) '(nickels dimes quarters)) (send nickel-problem add-constraint (λ(n d q) (= 3.30 (+ (* 0.05 n) (* 0.1 d) (* 0.25 q)))) '(nickels dimes quarters)) (send nickel-problem add-constraint (λ(n q) (= n (* 3 q))) '(nickels quarters)) (send nickel-problem add-constraint (λ(d n) (= n (* 2 d))) '(dimes nickels)) (check-hash-items (send nickel-problem get-solution) #hash((nickels . 18) (quarters . 6) (dimes . 9))) ;; word math #| # Assign equal values to equal letters, and different values to # different letters, in a way that satisfies the following sum: # # TWO # + TWO # ----- # FOUR |# (define two-four-problem (new problem%)) (send two-four-problem add-variables '(t w o f u r) (range 10)) (send two-four-problem add-constraint (new all-different-constraint%)) (send two-four-problem add-constraint (λ(t w o) (> (word-value t w o) 99)) '(t w o)) (send two-four-problem add-constraint (λ(f o u r) (> (word-value f o u r) 999)) '(f o u r)) (send two-four-problem add-constraint (λ (t w o f u r) (let ([two (word-value t w o)] [four (word-value f o u r)]) ((two . + . two) . = . four))) '(t w o f u r)) (check-equal? (length (send two-four-problem get-solutions)) 7) (send two-four-problem add-constraint (λ(r) (= r 0)) '(r)) (check-hash-items (send two-four-problem get-solution) #hash((o . 5) (w . 6) (u . 3) (f . 1) (r . 0) (t . 7))) ;; xsum #| # Reorganize the following numbers in a way that each line of # 5 numbers sum to 27. # # 1 6 # 2 7 # 3 # 8 4 # 9 5 # |# (define xsum-problem (new problem%)) (send xsum-problem add-variables '(l1 l2 l3 l4 r1 r2 r3 r4 x) (range 10)) (send xsum-problem add-constraint (λ (l1 l2 l3 l4 x) (and (< l1 l2 l3 l4) (= 27 (+ l1 l2 l3 l4 x)))) '(l1 l2 l3 l4 x)) (send xsum-problem add-constraint (λ (r1 r2 r3 r4 x) (and (< r1 r2 r3 r4) (= 27 (+ r1 r2 r3 r4 x)))) '(r1 r2 r3 r4 x)) (send xsum-problem add-constraint (new all-different-constraint%)) (check-equal? (length (send xsum-problem get-solutions)) 8) ;; send more money problem #| # Assign equal values to equal letters, and different values to # different letters, in a way that satisfies the following sum: # # SEND # + MORE # ------ # MONEY |# (define sm-problem (new problem%)) (send sm-problem add-variables '(s e n d m o r y) (range 10)) (send sm-problem add-constraint (λ(x) (> x 0)) '(s)) (send sm-problem add-constraint (λ(x) (> x 0)) '(m)) (send sm-problem add-constraint (λ(d e y) (= (modulo (+ d e) 10) y)) '(d e y)) (send sm-problem add-constraint (λ(n d r e y) (= (modulo (+ (word-value n d) (word-value r e)) 100) (word-value e y))) '(n d r e y)) (send sm-problem add-constraint (λ(e n d o r y) (= (modulo (+ (word-value e n d) (word-value o r e)) 1000) (word-value n e y))) '(e n d o r y)) (send sm-problem add-constraint (λ(s e n d m o r y) (= (+ (word-value s e n d) (word-value m o r e)) (word-value m o n e y))) '(s e n d m o r y)) (send sm-problem add-constraint (new all-different-constraint%)) (check-hash-items (send sm-problem get-solution) '#hash((m . 1) (e . 5) (r . 8) (n . 6) (y . 2) (o . 0) (d . 7) (s . 9))) ;; queens problem ;; place queens on chessboard so they do not intersect (define qp (new problem%)) (define cols (range 8)) (define rows (range 8)) (send qp add-variables cols rows) (for* ([col1 (in-list cols)] [col2 (in-list cols)] #:when (< col1 col2)) (send qp add-constraint (λ(row1 row2 [col1 col1][col2 col2]) (and ;; test if two cells are on a diagonal (not (= (abs (- row1 row2)) (abs (- col1 col2)))) ;; test if two cells are in same row (not (= row1 row2)))) (list col1 col2))) (check-equal? (length (send qp get-solutions)) 92)