var global = require('./_global') , core = require('./_core') , ctx = require('./_ctx') , hide = require('./_hide') , PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; var $export = function(type, name, source){ var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F , IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G , IS_STATIC = type & $export.S , IS_PROTO = type & $export.P , IS_BIND = type & $export.B , IS_WRAP = type & $export.W , exports = IS_GLOBAL ? core : core[name] || (core[name] = {}) , expProto = exports[PROTOTYPE] , target = IS_GLOBAL ? global : IS_STATIC ? global[name] : (global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE] , key, own, out; if(IS_GLOBAL)source = name; for(key in source){ // contains in native own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key] !== undefined; if(own && key in exports)continue; // export native or passed out = own ? target[key] : source[key]; // prevent global pollution for namespaces exports[key] = IS_GLOBAL && typeof target[key] != 'function' ? source[key] // bind timers to global for call from export context : IS_BIND && own ? ctx(out, global) // wrap global constructors for prevent change them in library : IS_WRAP && target[key] == out ? (function(C){ var F = function(a, b, c){ if(this instanceof C){ switch(arguments.length){ case 0: return new C; case 1: return new C(a); case 2: return new C(a, b); } return new C(a, b, c); } return C.apply(this, arguments); }; F[PROTOTYPE] = C[PROTOTYPE]; return F; // make static versions for prototype methods })(out) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == 'function' ? ctx(, out) : out; // export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.methods.%NAME% if(IS_PROTO){ (exports.virtual || (exports.virtual = {}))[key] = out; // export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.prototype.%NAME% if(type & $export.R && expProto && !expProto[key])hide(expProto, key, out); } } }; // type bitmap $export.F = 1; // forced $export.G = 2; // global $export.S = 4; // static $export.P = 8; // proto $export.B = 16; // bind $export.W = 32; // wrap $export.U = 64; // safe $export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library` module.exports = $export;