var browserify = require('../'); var test = require('tap').test; test('identical content gets deduped and the row gets a "nomap" flag set when sourcemaps are turned on', function (t) { t.plan(4) var rows = []; browserify() .on('row', [].push.bind(rows)) .require(require.resolve('./dup'), { entry: true }) .bundle({ debug: true }, check); function check(err, src) { if (err) return; var nomappeds = rows.filter(function (x) { return x.nomap }); var nm = nomappeds[0]; t.equal(rows.length, 3, 'packs 3 rows'); t.equal(nomappeds.length, 1, 'one of has nomapped flag set'); t.equal(rows.filter(function (x) { return x.hash == nm.hash }).length, 2, '2 rows with the same hash as the duplicate exist'); t.similar(nm.source, /module\.exports.*=.*require\(.+\)$/, 'redirects duplicate to original via require call'); } }) test('identical content gets deduped and the row gets a "nomap" flag set when sourcemaps are turned off', function (t) { t.plan(4) var rows = []; browserify() .on('row', [].push.bind(rows)) .require(require.resolve('./dup'), { entry: true }) .bundle({ debug: false }, check); function check(err, src) { if (err) return; var nomappeds = rows.filter(function (x) { return x.nomap }); var nm = nomappeds[0]; t.equal(rows.length, 3, 'packs 3 rows'); t.equal(nomappeds.length, 1, 'one of has nomapped flag set'); t.equal(rows.filter(function (x) { return x.hash == nm.hash }).length, 2, '2 rows with the same hash as the duplicate exist'); t.similar(nm.source, /module\.exports.*=.*require\(.+\)$/, 'redirects duplicate to original via require call'); } })