#lang fontkit/racket (provide GlyphPosition) ;; Represents positioning information for a glyph in a GlyphRun. (define-subclass object% (GlyphPosition ;; The amount to move the virtual pen in the X direction after rendering this glyph. [xAdvance 0] ;; The amount to move the virtual pen in the Y direction after rendering this glyph. [yAdvance 0] ;; The offset from the pen position in the X direction at which to render this glyph. [xOffset 0] ;; The offset from the pen position in the Y direction at which to render this glyph. [yOffset 0] [advanceWidth 0]) (as-methods scale) ) (define/contract (scale this factor) (number? . ->m . (is-a?/c GlyphPosition)) (set-field! xAdvance this (* factor (· this xAdvance))) (set-field! yAdvance this (* factor (· this yAdvance))) (set-field! xOffset this (* factor (· this xOffset))) (set-field! yOffset this (* factor (· this yOffset))) (set-field! advanceWidth this (* factor (· this advanceWidth))) this)