#lang fontkit/racket (require restructure "tables.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) #| https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/tables/directory.js |# (define TableEntry (+Struct (dictify 'tag (+String 4) 'checkSum uint32be 'offset uint32be 'length uint32be))) ;; for stupid tags like 'cvt ' (define (symbol-replace sym this that) (string->symbol (string-replace (if (string? sym) sym (symbol->string sym)) this that))) (define (escape-tag tag) (symbol-replace tag " " "_")) (define (unescape-tag tag) (symbol-replace tag "_" " ")) (define-subclass Struct (RDirectory) (define/override (process this-res stream) (define new-tables-val (mhash)) (for ([table (in-list (· this-res tables))]) (hash-set! new-tables-val (escape-tag (· table tag)) table)) (hash-set! this-res 'tables new-tables-val)) (define/override (preEncode this-val stream) (define preamble-length 12) (define table-header-size (+ preamble-length (* (length (hash-keys (· this-val tables))) (send TableEntry size)))) (define-values (table-headers table-datas _) (for/lists (ths tds lens) ([(tag table) (in-hash (· this-val tables))]) (define table-data (let ([es (+EncodeStream)]) (send (hash-ref table-codecs tag) encode es table) (send es dump))) (define table-header (mhash 'tag (unescape-tag tag) 'checkSum 0 'offset (apply + (cons table-header-size lens)) 'length (bytes-length table-data))) (values table-header table-data (bytes-length table-data)))) (define numTables (length table-headers)) (define searchRange (* (floor (log numTables 2)) 16)) (hash-set*! this-val 'tag "true" 'numTables numTables 'tables table-headers 'searchRange searchRange 'entrySelector (floor (/ searchRange (log 2))) 'rangeShift (- (* numTables 16) searchRange) 'data table-datas))) (define Directory (+RDirectory (dictify 'tag (+String 4) 'numTables uint16be 'searchRange uint16be 'entrySelector uint16be 'rangeShift uint16be 'tables (+Array TableEntry 'numTables) ;; we don't know what tables we might get ;; so we represent as generic Buffer type, ;; and convert the tables to bytes manually in preEncode 'data (+Array (+Buffer))))) (define (directory-decode ip [options (mhash)]) (send Directory decode (+DecodeStream (port->bytes ip)))) (define (file-directory-decode ps) (directory-decode (open-input-file ps))) (test-module (define ip (open-input-file charter-path)) (define decoded-dir (deserialize (read (open-input-file charter-directory-path)))) (check-equal? (directory-decode ip) decoded-dir) )