#lang debug racket/base (require "core.rkt" "reference.rkt" racket/class racket/match racket/string racket/format racket/list racket/dict sugar/unstable/dict fontland) (provide make-embedded-font) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/pdfkit/blob/master/lib/font/embedded.coffee |# (define width-cache (make-hash)) (define-syntax-rule (sum-flags [COND VAL] ...) (for/sum ([c (in-list (list COND ...))] [v (in-list (list VAL ...))] #:when c) v)) (define (to-hex . codepoints) (string-append* (for/list ([code (in-list codepoints)]) (~r code #:base 16 #:min-width 4 #:pad-string "0")))) (struct efont pdf-font (font subset unicode widths scale encoding-cache) #:mutable) (define (exactify x) (if (and (integer? x) (inexact? x)) (inexact->exact x) x)) (define (make-embedded-font name-arg [id #f]) (define font (cond [(string? name-arg) (open-font name-arg)] [(path? name-arg) (open-font (path->string name-arg))])) (define subset (create-subset font)) ;; we make `unicode` and `width` fields integer-keyed hashes not lists ;; because they offer better random access and growability (define unicode (mhasheq 0 '(0))) ; always include the missing glyph (gid = 0) (define widths (mhasheq 0 (glyph-advance-width (get-glyph font 0)))) (define name (font-postscript-name font)) (define scale (/ 1000.0 (font-units-per-em font))) (define ascender (exactify (* (font-ascent font) scale))) (define descender (exactify (* (font-descent font) scale))) (define bbox (font-bbox font)) (define line-gap (exactify (* (font-linegap font) scale))) (define encoding-cache (make-hash)) ; needs to be per font, not in top level of module (efont name id ascender descender line-gap bbox #f #f efont-embedded efont-encode efont-measure-string font subset unicode widths scale encoding-cache)) (define (efont-encode ef str [features-in null]) (define features (sort (remove-duplicates features-in) bytes> 8 0)) ;; font descriptor flags (match-define (list FIXED_PITCH SERIF SYMBOLIC SCRIPT _UNUSED NONSYMBOLIC ITALIC) (map (λ (x) (expt 2 x)) (range 7))) (define flags (sum-flags [(not (zero? (hash-ref (get-post-table (efont-font ef)) 'isFixedPitch))) FIXED_PITCH] [(<= 1 family-class 7) SERIF] [#t SYMBOLIC] ; assume the font uses non-latin characters [(= family-class 10) SCRIPT] [(hash-ref (hash-ref (get-head-table (efont-font ef)) 'macStyle) 'italic) ITALIC])) ;; generate a random tag (6 uppercase letters. 65 is the char code for 'A') (when (test-mode) (random-seed 0)) (define tag (list->string (for/list ([i (in-range 6)]) (integer->char (random 65 (+ 65 26)))))) (define name (string->symbol (string-append tag "+" (font-postscript-name (efont-font ef))))) (define descriptor (make-ref (mhasheq 'Type 'FontDescriptor 'FontName name 'Flags flags 'FontBBox (map (λ (x) (* (efont-scale ef) x)) (bbox->list (pdf-font-bbox ef))) 'ItalicAngle (font-italic-angle (efont-font ef)) 'Ascent (pdf-font-ascender ef) 'Descent (pdf-font-descender ef) 'CapHeight (* (or (font-cap-height (efont-font ef)) (pdf-font-ascender ef)) (efont-scale ef)) 'XHeight (* (or (font-x-height (efont-font ef)) 0) (efont-scale ef)) 'StemV 0))) (dict-set! descriptor (if isCFF 'FontFile3 'FontFile2) font-file) (ref-end descriptor) (define descendant-font (make-ref (mhasheq 'Type 'Font 'Subtype (if isCFF 'CIDFontType0 'CIDFontType2) 'BaseFont name 'CIDSystemInfo (mhasheq 'Registry "Adobe" 'Ordering "Identity" 'Supplement 0) 'FontDescriptor descriptor 'W (list 0 (for/list ([idx (in-range (length (hash-keys (efont-widths ef))))]) (hash-ref (efont-widths ef) idx (λ () (error 'embed (format "hash key ~a not found" idx))))))))) (ref-end descendant-font) (dict-set*! (pdf-font-ref ef) 'Type 'Font 'Subtype 'Type0 'BaseFont name 'Encoding 'Identity-H 'DescendantFonts (list descendant-font) 'ToUnicode (to-unicode-cmap ef)) (ref-end (pdf-font-ref ef))) (define (to-unicode-cmap ef) (define cmap-ref (make-ref)) (define entries (for/list ([idx (in-range (length (hash-keys (efont-unicode ef))))]) (define codepoints (hash-ref (efont-unicode ef) idx)) (define encoded ; encode codePoints to utf16 (for/fold ([hexes null] #:result (reverse hexes)) ([value (in-list codepoints)]) (cond [(> value #xffff) (let ([value (- value #x10000)]) (define b1 (bitwise-ior (bitwise-and (arithmetic-shift value -10) #x3ff) #xd800)) (define b2 (bitwise-ior (bitwise-and value #x3ff) #xdc00)) (list* (to-hex b2) (to-hex b1) hexes))] [else (cons (to-hex value) hexes)]))) (format "<~a>" (string-join encoded " ")))) (define unicode-cmap-str #<> def /CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def /CMapType 2 def 1 begincodespacerange <0000> endcodespacerange 1 beginbfrange <0000> <~a> [~a] endbfrange endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end HERE ) (ref-write cmap-ref (format unicode-cmap-str (to-hex (sub1 (length entries))) (string-join entries " "))) (ref-end cmap-ref) cmap-ref) (module+ test (require rackunit fontland sugar/unstable/js) (define ef (make-embedded-font "../ptest/assets/charter.ttf")) (check-equal? (pdf-font-ascender ef) 980) (check-equal? (pdf-font-descender ef) -238) (check-equal? (pdf-font-line-gap ef) 0) (check-equal? (bbox->list (pdf-font-bbox ef)) '(-161 -236 1193 963)) (define H-gid 41) (check-equal? (efont-widths ef) (mhasheq 0 278)) (check-equal? (efont-measure-string ef "f" 1000) 321.0) (check-equal? (glyph-advance-width (get-glyph (efont-font ef) H-gid)) 738))