#lang pitfall/racket (require "png-reader.rkt" "zlib.rkt") (provide PNG) (define-subclass object% (PNG data [label #f]) (super-new) (field [image (read-png data)] [pixelBitlength (· image pixelBitlength)] [width (· image width)] [height (· image height)] [imgData (· image imgData)] [document #f] [alphaChannel #f] [obj #f]) (as-methods embed splitAlphaChannel)) (define/contract (embed this doc-in) (object? . ->m . void?) (set-field! document this doc-in) (unless (· this obj) (set-field! obj this (send doc-in ref (mhash 'Type "XObject" 'Subtype "Image" 'BitsPerComponent (· this image bits) 'Width (· this width) 'Height (· this height) 'Filter "FlateDecode"))) (unless (· this image hasAlphaChannel) (define params (send doc-in ref (mhash 'Predictor 15 'Colors (· this image colors) 'BitsPerComponent (· this image bits) 'Columns (· this width)))) (hash-set! (· this obj payload) 'DecodeParms params) (send params end)) (cond [(hash-ref (· this image) 'palette #f) ;; embed the color palette in the PDF as an object stream (define palette-ref (· doc-in ref)) (send palette-ref end (· this image palette)) ;; build the color space array for the image (hash-set! (· this object payload) 'Colorspace (list "Indexed" "DeviceRGB" (sub1 (bytes-length (· this image palette))) palette-ref))] [else (hash-set! (· this obj payload) 'ColorSpace "DeviceRGB")]) (cond [(hash-ref (· this image) 'transparency #f) (cond [(hash-ref (hash-ref (· this image) 'transparency) 'grayscale #f) (error 'transparency-grayscale-not-implemented)] [(hash-ref (hash-ref (· this image) 'transparency) 'rgb #f) (error 'transparency-rgb-not-implemented)] [(hash-ref (hash-ref (· this image) 'transparency) 'indexed #f) (error 'transparency-indexed-not-implemented)])] [(hash-ref (· this image) 'hasAlphaChannel #f) ;; For PNG color types 4 and 6, the transparency data is stored as a alpha ;; channel mixed in with the main image data. Separate this data out into an ;; SMask object and store it separately in the PDF.] (· this splitAlphaChannel)])) (when (· this alphaChannel) (define sMask (send (· this document) ref (mhash 'Type "XObject" 'Subtype "Image" 'Height (· this height) 'Width (· this width) 'BitsPerComponent 8 'Filter "FlateDecode" 'ColorSpace "DeviceGray" 'Decode '(0 1)))) (send sMask end (· this alphaChannel)) (hash-set! (· this obj payload) 'SMask sMask)) ;; embed the actual image data (send (· this obj) end (· this imgData))) (define/contract (splitAlphaChannel this) (->m void?) (define pixels (decodePixels (· this imgData) (· this pixelBitlength) (· this width) (· this height))) (define-values (imgBytes alphaBytes) (for/fold ([img-bytes empty] [alpha-bytes empty]) ([b (in-bytes pixels)] [which (in-cycle '(img img img alpha))]) (if (eq? which 'alpha) (values img-bytes (cons b alpha-bytes)) (values (cons b img-bytes) alpha-bytes)))) (set-field! imgData this (deflate (apply bytes (reverse imgBytes)))) (set-field! alphaChannel this (deflate (apply bytes (reverse alphaBytes))))) #;(module+ test (define pic (make-object PNG (file->bytes "test/assets/test.png"))) (splitAlphaChannel pic))