#lang racket/base (require "racket.rkt") (provide PDFPage) (define PDFPage (class object% (super-new) (init-field document [options (mhash)]) (field [size (hash-ref options 'size "letter")] [layout (hash-ref options 'layout "portrait")] ;; calculate page dimensions [dimensions (if (list? size) size (hash-ref page-sizes (string-upcase size)))] [width (list-ref dimensions (if (equal? layout "portrait") 0 1))] [height (list-ref dimensions (if (equal? layout "portrait") 1 0))] [content (· document ref)] ;; Initialize the Font, XObject, and ExtGState dictionaries [resources (send document ref (mhash 'ProcSet '("PDF" "Text" "ImageB" "ImageC" "ImageI")))] [margins (let ([margin-value (hash-ref options 'margin #f)]) (if (number? margin-value) (mhasheq 'top margin-value 'left margin-value 'bottom margin-value 'right margin-value) ;; default to 1 inch margins (hash-ref options 'margins default-margins)))] ;; The page dictionary [dictionary (send document ref (mhash 'Type "Page" 'Parent (· document _root payload Pages) 'MediaBox (list 0 0 width height) 'Contents content 'Resources resources))]) (as-methods fonts xobjects ext_gstates patterns annotations maxY write end))) ;; Lazily create these dictionaries (define/contract (fonts this) (->m hash?) (hash-ref! (· this resources payload) 'Font (make-hash))) (define/contract (xobjects this) (->m hash?) (hash-ref! (· this resources payload) 'XObject (make-hash))) (define/contract (ext_gstates this) (->m hash?) (hash-ref! (· this resources payload) 'ExtGState (make-hash))) (define/contract (patterns this) (->m hash?) (hash-ref! (· this resources payload) 'Pattern (make-hash))) (define/contract (annotations this [annot #f]) (() (any/c) . ->*m . void?) (if (not annot) (hash-ref! (· this dictionary payload) 'Annots null) (hash-update! (· this dictionary payload) 'Annots (λ (val) (cons annot val)) null))) (define/contract (maxY this) (->m number?) (- (· this height) (· this margins bottom))) (define/contract (write this chunk) (any/c . ->m . void?) (send (· this content) write chunk)) ; resume here (define/contract (end this) (->m void?) (send (· this dictionary) end) (send (· this resources) end) (send (· this content) end)) (define default-margins (hasheq 'top 72 'left 72 'bottom 72 'right 72)) (define page-sizes (hash "4A0" '(4767.87 6740.79) "2A0" '(3370.39 4767.87) "A0" '(2383.94 3370.39) "A1" '(1683.78 2383.94) "A2" '(1190.55 1683.78) "A3" '(841.89 1190.55) "A4" '(595.28 841.89) "A5" '(419.53 595.28) "A6" '(297.64 419.53) "A7" '(209.76 297.64) "A8" '(147.40 209.76) "A9" '(104.88 147.40) "A10" '(73.70 104.88) "B0" '(2834.65 4008.19) "B1" '(2004.09 2834.65) "B2" '(1417.32 2004.09) "B3" '(1000.63 1417.32) "B4" '(708.66 1000.63) "B5" '(498.90 708.66) "B6" '(354.33 498.90) "B7" '(249.45 354.33) "B8" '(175.75 249.45) "B9" '(124.72 175.75) "B10" '(87.87 124.72) "C0" '(2599.37 3676.54) "C1" '(1836.85 2599.37) "C2" '(1298.27 1836.85) "C3" '(918.43 1298.27) "C4" '(649.13 918.43) "C5" '(459.21 649.13) "C6" '(323.15 459.21) "C7" '(229.61 323.15) "C8" '(161.57 229.61) "C9" '(113.39 161.57) "C10" '(79.37 113.39) "RA0" '(2437.80 3458.27) "RA1" '(1729.13 2437.80) "RA2" '(1218.90 1729.13) "RA3" '(864.57 1218.90) "RA4" '(609.45 864.57) "SRA0" '(2551.18 3628.35) "SRA1" '(1814.17 2551.18) "SRA2" '(1275.59 1814.17) "SRA3" '(907.09 1275.59) "SRA4" '(637.80 907.09) "EXECUTIVE" '(521.86 756.00) "FOLIO" '(612.00 936.00) "LEGAL" '(612.00 1008.00) "LETTER" '(612.00 792.00) "TABLOID" '(792.00 1224.00)))