#lang debug racket (require racket/logging "main.rkt") (module+ raco (with-logging-to-port (current-error-port) handle-raco-command #:logger fontproof-logger 'info 'fontproof)) (module+ main (println "this is fontproof command")) (define (handle-raco-command) (define command-name (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (exn) #f)]) (vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 0))) (define output-file-path #false) (define page-size #false) (define font-sizes #false) (define line-heights #false) (define doc #false) (define replace #false) (define output-qml? #false) (define make-bold? #false) (define make-italic? #false) (define families (command-line #:program "fontproof" #:argv (current-command-line-arguments) #:once-each [("-p" "--page") page-size-arg "page size (e.g., letter, A4)" (set! page-size page-size-arg)] [("-r" "--replace") "replace existing proof with same name" (set! replace #true)] [("-d" "--doc") doc-arg "source for sample text" (set! doc doc-arg)] [("-o" "--output") output-file-path-arg "output file path" (set! output-file-path output-file-path-arg)] [("-s" "--size") font-sizes-arg "font sizes to proof" (set! font-sizes font-sizes-arg)] [("-l" "--leading") line-heights-arg "line height" (set! line-heights line-heights-arg)] [("-b" "--bold") "also generate bold proof (only works with family name)" (set! make-bold? #true)] [("-i" "--italic") "also generate italic proof (only works with family name)" (set! make-italic? #true)] [("-q" "--qml") "output QML file" (set! output-qml? #true)] #:args font-family-names-or-font-paths font-family-names-or-font-paths)) (match families [(? null?) (raise-user-error "no font to proof; exiting")] [_ (for ([family (in-list families)]) (make-proof family (or doc (match (current-input-port) ;; pull text out of stdin, if any ;; use `terminal-port?` to distinguish piped input from tty input [(not (? terminal-port?)) (string-join (for/list ([t (in-port read)]) (format "~a" t)) " ")] [_ #false])) #:page-size page-size #:bold make-bold? #:italic make-italic? #:font-sizes font-sizes #:line-heights line-heights #:output-file-path output-file-path #:replace replace #:qml output-qml?))]))