#lang typed/racket/base (require (for-syntax typed/racket/base)) (require typed/racket/class math/flonum racket/list racket/file) (require/typed racket/draw [record-dc% (Class (init-field) (get-text-extent (String (Instance (Class (init-field))) Any . -> . (values Nonnegative-Real Nonnegative-Real Nonnegative-Real Nonnegative-Real))))] [make-font ((#:size Nonnegative-Float) (#:style Symbol) (#:weight Symbol) (#:face String) . -> . (Instance (Class (init-field))))]) (require/typed racket/serialize [serialize (Any . -> . Any)] [deserialize (Any . -> . (HashTable (List String String Symbol Symbol) Measurement-Result-Type))]) (provide measure-text measure-ascent round-float update-text-cache-file load-text-cache-file) (define precision 4.0) (define base (expt 10.0 precision)) (define max-size 1024.0) (define dc (new record-dc%)) (define-type Measurement-Result-Type (List Float Float Float Float)) (define mrt? (make-predicate Measurement-Result-Type)) (define current-text-cache (make-parameter ((inst make-hash (List String String Symbol Symbol) Measurement-Result-Type) '()))) (define current-font-cache (make-parameter ((inst make-hash (List String Symbol Symbol) (Instance (Class (init-field)))) '()))) (: round-float (Float . -> . Float)) (define (round-float x) (/ (round (* base x)) base)) (: get-cache-file-path (-> Path)) (define (get-cache-file-path) (build-path "font.cache")) (: update-text-cache-file (-> Void)) (define (update-text-cache-file) (write-to-file (serialize (current-text-cache)) (get-cache-file-path) #:exists 'replace)) (: load-text-cache-file (-> Void)) (define (load-text-cache-file) (define cache-file-path (get-cache-file-path)) (current-text-cache (if (file-exists? cache-file-path) (deserialize (file->value cache-file-path)) ((inst make-hash (List String String Symbol Symbol) Measurement-Result-Type) '())))) (: get-cached-font (String Symbol Symbol . -> . (Instance (Class (init-field))))) (define (get-cached-font font weight style) (hash-ref! (current-font-cache) (list font weight style) (λ() (make-font #:size max-size #:style style #:weight weight #:face font)))) (: measure-max-size ((String String) (Symbol Symbol) . ->* . Measurement-Result-Type)) (define (measure-max-size text font [weight 'normal] [style 'normal]) (: hash-updater (-> Measurement-Result-Type)) (define (hash-updater) #;(current-text-cache-changed? #t) (define font-instance (get-cached-font font weight style)) ;; 'combine' boolean only makes a difference for two or more chars, so use (>= (string-length text) 1) for speed (define-values (width height descent extra) (send dc get-text-extent text font-instance (>= (string-length text) 1))) ;; avoid `map` here because it requires a cast to ensure the type ;; this seems like a bug in TR: doesn't recognize (List Float Float Float Float) as subtype of (Listof Float)? (list (fl width) (fl height) (fl descent) (fl extra))) ((inst hash-ref! (List String String Symbol Symbol) Measurement-Result-Type) (current-text-cache) (list text font weight style) hash-updater)) (define-syntax-rule (width x) (first x)) (define-syntax-rule (height x) (second x)) (define-syntax-rule (descent x) (third x)) #;(define-syntax-rule (extra x) (fourth x)) ;; works by taking max size and scaling it down. Allows caching of results. (: measure-text (String Positive-Float String Symbol Symbol . -> . Float)) (define (measure-text text size font weight style) (define raw-width (width (measure-max-size text font weight style))) (round-float (/ (* raw-width size) max-size))) ;; works by taking max size and scaling it down. Allows caching of results. (: measure-ascent ((String Positive-Float String) (Symbol Symbol) . ->* . Float)) (define (measure-ascent text size font [weight 'normal] [style 'normal]) (define result-list : Measurement-Result-Type (measure-max-size text font weight style)) (define raw-baseline-distance (- (height result-list) (descent result-list))) (round-float (/ (* raw-baseline-distance size) max-size)))