var assert = require("assert"); var types = require("../main"); var getFieldNames = types.getFieldNames; var getFieldValue = types.getFieldValue; var isArray = types.builtInTypes.array; var isObject = types.builtInTypes.object; var isDate = types.builtInTypes.Date; var isRegExp = types.builtInTypes.RegExp; var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function astNodesAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath) { if (isArray.check(problemPath)) { problemPath.length = 0; } else { problemPath = null; } return areEquivalent(a, b, problemPath); } astNodesAreEquivalent.assert = function(a, b) { var problemPath = []; if (!astNodesAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath)) { if (problemPath.length === 0) { assert.strictEqual(a, b); } else { assert.ok( false, "Nodes differ in the following path: " +"") ); } } }; function subscriptForProperty(property) { if (/[_$a-z][_$a-z0-9]*/i.test(property)) { return "." + property; } return "[" + JSON.stringify(property) + "]"; } function areEquivalent(a, b, problemPath) { if (a === b) { return true; } if (isArray.check(a)) { return arraysAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath); } if (isObject.check(a)) { return objectsAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath); } if (isDate.check(a)) { return isDate.check(b) && (+a === +b); } if (isRegExp.check(a)) { return isRegExp.check(b) && ( a.source === b.source && === && a.multiline === b.multiline && a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase ); } return a == b; } function arraysAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath) { isArray.assert(a); var aLength = a.length; if (!isArray.check(b) || b.length !== aLength) { if (problemPath) { problemPath.push("length"); } return false; } for (var i = 0; i < aLength; ++i) { if (problemPath) { problemPath.push(i); } if (i in a !== i in b) { return false; } if (!areEquivalent(a[i], b[i], problemPath)) { return false; } if (problemPath) { assert.strictEqual(problemPath.pop(), i); } } return true; } function objectsAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath) { isObject.assert(a); if (!isObject.check(b)) { return false; } // Fast path for a common property of AST nodes. if (a.type !== b.type) { if (problemPath) { problemPath.push("type"); } return false; } var aNames = getFieldNames(a); var aNameCount = aNames.length; var bNames = getFieldNames(b); var bNameCount = bNames.length; if (aNameCount === bNameCount) { for (var i = 0; i < aNameCount; ++i) { var name = aNames[i]; var aChild = getFieldValue(a, name); var bChild = getFieldValue(b, name); if (problemPath) { problemPath.push(name); } if (!areEquivalent(aChild, bChild, problemPath)) { return false; } if (problemPath) { assert.strictEqual(problemPath.pop(), name); } } return true; } if (!problemPath) { return false; } // Since aNameCount !== bNameCount, we need to find some name that's // missing in aNames but present in bNames, or vice-versa. var seenNames = Object.create(null); for (i = 0; i < aNameCount; ++i) { seenNames[aNames[i]] = true; } for (i = 0; i < bNameCount; ++i) { name = bNames[i]; if (!, name)) { problemPath.push(name); return false; } delete seenNames[name]; } for (name in seenNames) { problemPath.push(name); break; } return false; } module.exports = astNodesAreEquivalent;