SVGPath = require '../path' {number} = require '../object' # This constant is used to approximate a symmetrical arc using a cubic # Bezier curve. KAPPA = 4.0 * ((Math.sqrt(2) - 1.0) / 3.0) module.exports = initVector: -> @_ctm = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] # current transformation matrix @_ctmStack = [] save: -> @_ctmStack.push @_ctm.slice() # TODO: save/restore colorspace and styles so not setting it unnessesarily all the time? @addContent 'q' restore: -> @_ctm = @_ctmStack.pop() or [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] @addContent 'Q' closePath: -> @addContent 'h' lineWidth: (w) -> @addContent "#{number(w)} w" _CAP_STYLES: BUTT: 0 ROUND: 1 SQUARE: 2 lineCap: (c) -> c = @_CAP_STYLES[c.toUpperCase()] if typeof c is 'string' @addContent "#{c} J" _JOIN_STYLES: MITER: 0 ROUND: 1 BEVEL: 2 lineJoin: (j) -> j = @_JOIN_STYLES[j.toUpperCase()] if typeof j is 'string' @addContent "#{j} j" miterLimit: (m) -> @addContent "#{number(m)} M" dash: (length, options = {}) -> return this unless length? if Array.isArray length length = (number(v) for v in length).join(' ') phase = options.phase or 0 @addContent "[#{length}] #{number(phase)} d" else space = ? length phase = options.phase or 0 @addContent "[#{number(length)} #{number(space)}] #{number(phase)} d" undash: -> @addContent "[] 0 d" moveTo: (x, y) -> @addContent "#{number(x)} #{number(y)} m" lineTo: (x, y) -> @addContent "#{number(x)} #{number(y)} l" bezierCurveTo: (cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) -> @addContent "#{number(cp1x)} #{number(cp1y)} #{number(cp2x)} #{number(cp2y)} #{number(x)} #{number(y)} c" quadraticCurveTo: (cpx, cpy, x, y) -> @addContent "#{number(cpx)} #{number(cpy)} #{number(x)} #{number(y)} v" rect: (x, y, w, h) -> @addContent "#{number(x)} #{number(y)} #{number(w)} #{number(h)} re" roundedRect: (x, y, w, h, r = 0) -> r = Math.min(r, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h) # amount to inset control points from corners (see `ellipse`) c = r * (1.0 - KAPPA) @moveTo x + r, y @lineTo x + w - r, y @bezierCurveTo x + w - c, y, x + w, y + c, x + w, y + r @lineTo x + w, y + h - r @bezierCurveTo x + w, y + h - c, x + w - c, y + h, x + w - r, y + h @lineTo x + r, y + h @bezierCurveTo x + c, y + h, x, y + h - c, x, y + h - r @lineTo x, y + r @bezierCurveTo x, y + c, x + c, y, x + r, y @closePath() ellipse: (x, y, r1, r2 = r1) -> # based on x -= r1 y -= r2 ox = r1 * KAPPA oy = r2 * KAPPA xe = x + r1 * 2 ye = y + r2 * 2 xm = x + r1 ym = y + r2 @moveTo(x, ym) @bezierCurveTo(x, ym - oy, xm - ox, y, xm, y) @bezierCurveTo(xm + ox, y, xe, ym - oy, xe, ym) @bezierCurveTo(xe, ym + oy, xm + ox, ye, xm, ye) @bezierCurveTo(xm - ox, ye, x, ym + oy, x, ym) @closePath() circle: (x, y, radius) -> @ellipse x, y, radius polygon: (points...) -> @moveTo points.shift()... @lineTo point... for point in points @closePath() path: (path) -> SVGPath.apply this, path return this _windingRule: (rule) -> if /even-?odd/.test(rule) return '*' return '' fill: (color, rule) -> if /(even-?odd)|(non-?zero)/.test(color) rule = color color = null @fillColor color if color @addContent 'f' + @_windingRule(rule) stroke: (color) -> @strokeColor color if color @addContent 'S' fillAndStroke: (fillColor, strokeColor = fillColor, rule) -> isFillRule = /(even-?odd)|(non-?zero)/ if isFillRule.test(fillColor) rule = fillColor fillColor = null if isFillRule.test(strokeColor) rule = strokeColor strokeColor = fillColor if fillColor @fillColor fillColor @strokeColor strokeColor @addContent 'B' + @_windingRule(rule) clip: (rule) -> @addContent 'W' + @_windingRule(rule) + ' n' transform: (m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) -> # keep track of the current transformation matrix m = @_ctm [m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5] = m m[0] = m0 * m11 + m2 * m12 m[1] = m1 * m11 + m3 * m12 m[2] = m0 * m21 + m2 * m22 m[3] = m1 * m21 + m3 * m22 m[4] = m0 * dx + m2 * dy + m4 m[5] = m1 * dx + m3 * dy + m5 values = (number(v) for v in [m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy]).join(' ') @addContent "#{values} cm" translate: (x, y) -> @transform 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y rotate: (angle, options = {}) -> rad = angle * Math.PI / 180 cos = Math.cos(rad) sin = Math.sin(rad) x = y = 0 if options.origin? [x, y] = options.origin x1 = x * cos - y * sin y1 = x * sin + y * cos x -= x1 y -= y1 @transform cos, sin, -sin, cos, x, y scale: (xFactor, yFactor = xFactor, options = {}) -> if arguments.length is 2 yFactor = xFactor options = yFactor x = y = 0 if options.origin? [x, y] = options.origin x -= xFactor * x y -= yFactor * y @transform xFactor, 0, 0, yFactor, x, y