#lang fontkit/racket (require restructure) (provide (all-defined-out)) (define-subclass RStruct (Rmaxp)) (define maxp (make-object Rmaxp (dictify 'version int32be 'numGlyphs uint16be ;; The number of glyphs in the font 'maxPoints uint16be ;; Maximum points in a non-composite glyph 'maxContours uint16be ;; Maximum contours in a non-composite glyph 'maxComponentPoints uint16be ;; Maximum points in a composite glyph 'maxComponentContours uint16be ;; Maximum contours in a composite glyph 'maxZones uint16be ;; 1 if instructions do not use the twilight zone, 2 otherwise 'maxTwilightPoints uint16be ;; Maximum points used in Z0 'maxStorage uint16be ;; Number of Storage Area locations 'maxFunctionDefs uint16be ;; Number of FDEFs 'maxInstructionDefs uint16be ;; Number of IDEFs 'maxStackElements uint16be ;; Maximum stack depth 'maxSizeOfInstructions uint16be ;; Maximum byte count for glyph instructions 'maxComponentElements uint16be ;; Maximum number of components referenced at “top level” for any composite glyph 'maxComponentDepth uint16be ;; Maximum levels of recursion; 1 for simple components ))) (test-module (require "directory.rkt") (define ip (open-input-file charter-path)) (define dir (directory-decode ip)) (define maxp-offset (· dir tables maxp offset)) (define maxp-length (· dir tables maxp length)) (check-equal? maxp-offset 328) (check-equal? maxp-length 32) (define maxp-bytes #"\0\1\0\0\0\345\0f\0\a\0O\0\4\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\n\0\0\2\0\1s\0\2\0\1") (set-port-position! ip 0) (check-equal? (peek-bytes maxp-length maxp-offset ip) maxp-bytes) (define maxp-data (send maxp decode (make-object RDecodeStream maxp-bytes))) (check-equal? (· maxp-data numGlyphs) 229) (check-equal? (· maxp-data version) 65536))