#lang fontkit/racket (require restructure br/cond "opentype.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/tables/GPOS.js |# (define ValueFormat (+Bitfield uint16be '(xPlacement yPlacement xAdvance yAdvance xPlaDevice yPlaDevice xAdvDevice yAdvDevice))) (define types (mhash 'xPlacement int16be 'yPlacement int16be 'xAdvance int16be 'yAdvance int16be 'xPlaDevice uint16be ;; pointer 'yPlaDevice uint16be ;; pointer 'xAdvDevice uint16be ;; pointer 'yAdvDevice uint16be)) ;; pointer (define-subclass object% (ValueRecord [key 'valueFormat]) (define/public (buildStruct parent) ;; set `struct` to the first Struct object in the chain of ancestors ;; with the target key (define struct (let loop ([x parent]) (cond [(and x (Struct? x) (dict-ref (· x res) key #f)) x] [(· x parent) => loop] [else #f]))) (and struct (let () (define format (dict-ref (· struct res) key)) (define fields (append (dictify 'rel (λ _ (report (get-field _startOffset struct)))) (for/list ([(key val) (in-dict format)] #:when val) (cons key (dict-ref types key))))) (+Struct fields)))) (define/public (size val ctx) (send (buildStruct ctx) size val ctx)) (define/public (decode stream parent) (define res (send (buildStruct parent) decode stream parent)) (hash-remove! res 'rel) res) (define/public (encode . args) (error 'GPOS-encode-not-implemented))) (define PairValueRecord (+Struct (dictify 'secondGlyph uint16be 'value1 (+ValueRecord 'valueFormat1) 'value2 (+ValueRecord 'valueFormat2)))) (define PairSet (+Array PairValueRecord uint16be)) (define Class2Record (+Struct (dictify 'value1 (+ValueRecord 'valueFormat1) 'value2 (+ValueRecord 'valueFormat2)))) (define Anchor (+VersionedStruct uint16be (dictify ;; Design units only 1 (dictify 'xCoordinate int16be 'yCoordinate int16be) ;; Design units plus contour point 2 (dictify 'xCoordinate int16be 'yCoordinate int16be 'anchorPoint uint16be) ;; Design units plus Device tables 3 (dictify 'xCoordinate int16be 'yCoordinate int16be 'xDeviceTable uint16be ; pointer 'yDeviceTable uint16be)))) ; pointer (define EntryExitRecord (+Struct (dictify 'entryAnchor uint16be ; pointer 'exitAnchor uint16be))) ; pointer (define MarkRecord (+Struct (dictify 'class uint16be 'markAnchor uint16be))) (define MarkArray (+Array MarkRecord uint16be)) (define BaseRecord (+Array uint16be)) ; pointer (define BaseArray (+Array BaseRecord uint16be)) (define ComponentRecord (+Array uint16be)) ; pointer (define LigatureAttach (+Array ComponentRecord uint16be)) (define LigatureArray (+Array uint16be uint16be)) ; pointer (define-subclass VersionedStruct (GPOSLookup-VersionedStruct)) (define GPOSLookup (+GPOSLookup-VersionedStruct 'lookupType (dictify ;; Single Adjustment 1 (+VersionedStruct uint16be (dictify ;; Single positioning value 1 (dictify 'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage) 'valueFormat ValueFormat 'value (+ValueRecord)) 2 (dictify 'coverage uint16be ; pointer 'valueFormat ValueFormat 'valueCount uint16be 'values (+LazyArray (+ValueRecord) 'valueCount)))) ;; Pair Adjustment Positioning 2 (+VersionedStruct uint16be (dictify ;; Adjustments for glyph pairs 1 (dictify 'coverage uint16be ; pointer 'valueFormat1 ValueFormat 'valueFormat2 ValueFormat 'pairSetCount uint16be 'pairSets (+LazyArray uint16be 'pairSetCount)) ; pointer ;; Class pair adjustment 2 (dictify 'coverage uint16be ; pointer 'valueFormat1 ValueFormat 'valueFormat2 ValueFormat 'classDef1 uint16be ; pointer 'classDef2 uint16be ; pointer 'class1Count uint16be 'class2Count uint16be 'classRecords (+LazyArray (+LazyArray Class2Record 'class2Count) 'class1Count)))) ;; Cursive Attachment Positioning 3 (dictify 'format uint16be 'coverage uint16be ; pointer 'entryExitCount uint16be 'entryExitRecords (+Array EntryExitRecord 'entryExitCount)) ;; MarkToBase Attachment Positioning 4 (dictify 'format uint16be 'markCoverage uint16be ; pointer 'baseCoverage uint16be ; pointer 'classCount uint16be 'markArray uint16be ; pointer 'baseArray uint16be) ; pointer ;; MarkToLigature Attachment Positioning 5 (dictify 'format uint16be 'markCoverage uint16be ; pointer 'ligatureCoverage uint16be ; pointer 'classCount uint16be 'markArray uint16be ; pointer 'ligatureArray uint16be) ;; MarkToMark Attachment Positioning 6 (dictify 'format uint16be 'mark1Coverage uint16be ; pointer 'mark2Coverage uint16be ; pointer 'classCount uint16be 'mark1Array uint16be ; pointer 'mark2Array uint16be) ; pointer 7 Context ;; Contextual positioning 8 ChainingContext ;; Chaining contextual positioning ;; Extension positioning 9 (dictify 'posFormat uint16be 'lookupType uint16be ;; cannot also be 9 'extension uint32be) ; pointer ))) ;; Fix circular reference ;; GPOSLookup.versions[9].extension.type = GPOSLookup; (define gpos-common-dict (dictify 'scriptList (+Pointer uint16be ScriptList) 'featureList (+Pointer uint16be FeatureList) 'lookupList (+Pointer uint16be (LookupList GPOSLookup)) )) (define-subclass VersionedStruct (GPOS-MainVersionedStruct)) (define GPOS (+GPOS-MainVersionedStruct uint32be (dictify #x00010000 gpos-common-dict ;; ignore variations #;#x00010001 #;(append gpos-common-dict (dictify 'featureVariations (+Pointer uint32be FeatureVariations)))))) (test-module)