#lang racket/base (require racket/list sugar/define) (require "samples.rkt" "quads.rkt" "utils.rkt") (define ti (block '(measure 54 leading 18) "Meg is " (box '(foo 42)) " ally.")) (define tib (block '(measure 240 font "Equity Text B" leading 16 size 13.5 x-align justify x-align-last-line left) (block #f (block '(weight bold font "Equity Caps B") "Hello") (block-break) (box '(width 15))))) ;ti ;; convert quad into tokenized representation: ;; 1) vector of atomic tokens ;; 2) list of (attribute + range of tokens it applies to) ;; this representation is designed to: ;; 1) preserve all information in the original quad ;; 2) be compact / not duplicate information unnecessarily ;; 3) allow sequential access to the tokens ;; 4) allow fast computation of token state (i.e., attrs that apply) (define+provide (make-tokens-and-attrs quad-in) (define-values (all-tokens all-attrs _) (let loop ([current-quad quad-in][attr-acc empty][starting-tidx 0]) (cond [(empty? (quad-list current-quad)); no subelements, so treat this quad as single token (let ([current-quad-attrs (quad-attrs current-quad)] [ending-tidx (add1 starting-tidx)]) (values (quad (quad-name current-quad) #f empty) (if current-quad-attrs (cons (vector current-quad-attrs starting-tidx ending-tidx) attr-acc) attr-acc) ending-tidx))] [else ; replace quad with its tokens, exploded (define-values (tokens-from-fold subattrs-from-fold ending-tidx-from-fold) (for/fold ([token-acc empty][subattr-acc empty][tidx starting-tidx]) ([item (in-list (quad-list current-quad))]) (cond [(quad? item) (define-values (sub-tokens sub-attrs sub-last-tidx) (loop item attr-acc tidx)) (values (cons sub-tokens token-acc) (cons sub-attrs subattr-acc) sub-last-tidx)] [else ; item is a string of length > 0 (quad contract guarantees this) (define-values (exploded-chars last-idx-of-exploded-chars) (for/fold ([chars empty][last-idx #f])([(c i) (in-indexed item)]) (values (cons c chars) i))) ; fold manually to get reversed items & length at same time (values (cons exploded-chars token-acc) subattr-acc (+ tidx (add1 last-idx-of-exploded-chars)))]))) (values tokens-from-fold (let ([current-quad-attrs (quad-attrs current-quad)]) (if current-quad-attrs (cons (vector current-quad-attrs starting-tidx ending-tidx-from-fold) subattrs-from-fold) subattrs-from-fold)) ending-tidx-from-fold)]))) (values (list->vector (reverse (flatten all-tokens))) (flatten all-attrs))) (define-values (tokens attrs) (make-tokens-and-attrs (ti5))) (define+provide current-tokens (make-parameter tokens)) (define+provide current-token-attrs (make-parameter attrs)) ;(filter (λ(idx) (box? (vector-ref tokens idx))) (range (vector-length tokens))) (define (attr-ref-hash a) (vector-ref a 0)) (define (attr-ref-start a) (vector-ref a 1)) (define (attr-ref-end a) (vector-ref a 2)) (define (calc-attrs tref) (map attr-ref-hash (filter (λ(attr) (<= (attr-ref-start attr) tref (sub1 (attr-ref-end attr)))) (current-token-attrs)))) (module+ main (require rackunit) (define ti (block '(measure 54) "Meg is " (box '(foo 42)) " ally.")) (define-values (tokens attrs) (make-tokens-and-attrs ti)) (current-tokens tokens) (current-token-attrs attrs) ;; todo: repair this test #;(check-equal? tokens (vector #\M #\e #\g #\space #\i #\s #\space (box) #\space #\a #\l #\l #\y #\.)) (check-equal? attrs '(#(#hash((measure . 54)) 0 14) #(#hash((foo . 42)) 7 8))))