#lang at-exp s-exp pitfall/render ;; catalog object (co-io 1 0 (co-catalog #:pages (co-io-ref 2 0))) ;; pages (co-io 2 0 (co-pages #:kids (list (co-io-ref 3 0)) #:count 1)) ;; page (co-io 3 0 (co-page #:parent (co-io-ref 2 0) #:mediabox '(0 0 400 400) #:contents (co-io-ref 5 0) ; the value of annots must be an array #:annots (co-array (list (co-io-ref 7 0))))) ;; contents (co-io 5 0 (make-co-stream #" BT 0.9 g 100 100 100 100 re F ET ")) (co-io 7 0 (make-co-dict 'Type 'Annot 'Subtype 'Link ;; rect is left bottom right top in page coordinates 'Rect (co-array '(125 125 175 175)) 'A (co-io-ref 8 0))) (co-io 8 0 (make-co-dict 'Type 'Action 'S 'URI 'URI (co-string "http://practicaltypography.com")))