#lang debug racket/base (require "helper.rkt" "unsafe/freetype.rkt" "glyph.rkt" "bbox.rkt" "glyphrun.rkt" "directory.rkt" "woff-directory.rkt" "struct.rkt" "table-stream.rkt" xenomorph racket/match racket/list racket/string sugar/unstable/dict "unsafe/harfbuzz.rkt" "unsafe/fontconfig.rkt" "glyph-position.rkt" sugar/list racket/promise) (provide (all-defined-out)) (define ft-library (delay (FT_Init_FreeType))) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/TTFFont.js |# (struct probe-fail exn ()) (define (+ttf-font port #:directory [directory-class directory] #:probe [probe-vals (list #"true" #"OTTO" (bytes 0 1 0 0))] #:constructor [structor ttf-font]) (unless (input-port? port) (raise-argument-error '+ttf-font "input port" port)) (unless (member (peek-bytes 4 0 port) probe-vals) (raise (probe-fail "fail" (current-continuation-marks)))) (define decoded-tables (mhash)) (define src (path->string (object-name port))) (define directory (delay (decode directory-class port #:parent (mhash x:start-offset-key 0)))) (define ft-face (delay (and src (FT_New_Face (force ft-library) src)))) (define hb-font (delay (and src (hb_ft_font_create (force ft-face))))) (define hb-buf (delay (hb_buffer_create))) (define crc (equal-hash-code port)) (define get-head-table-proc #f) (define font (structor port decoded-tables src directory ft-face hb-font hb-buf crc get-head-table-proc)) ;; needed for `loca` table decoding cross-reference (set-ttf-font-get-head-table-proc! font (delay (get-head-table font))) font) (define (font-postscript-name font) (FT_Get_Postscript_Name (ft-face font))) (define (font-units-per-em font) (hash-ref (get-head-table font) 'unitsPerEm)) (define (font-ascent font) (hash-ref (get-hhea-table font) 'ascent)) (define (font-descent font) (hash-ref (get-hhea-table font) 'descent)) (define (font-linegap font) (hash-ref (get-hhea-table font) 'lineGap)) (define (font-underline-position font) (hash-ref (get-post-table font) 'underlinePosition)) (define (font-underline-thickness font) (hash-ref (get-post-table font) 'underlineThickness)) (define (font-italic-angle font) (hash-ref (get-post-table font) 'italicAngle)) (define (font-cap-height font) (if (has-table? font #"OS/2") (hash-ref (get-OS/2-table font) 'capHeight) (font-ascent font))) (define (font-x-height font) (if (has-table? font #"OS/2") (hash-ref (get-OS/2-table font) 'xHeight) 0)) (define (font-bbox font) (define head-table (get-head-table font)) (+bbox (hash-ref head-table 'xMin) (hash-ref head-table 'yMin) (hash-ref head-table 'xMax) (hash-ref head-table 'yMax))) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/WOFFFont.js |# (define (+woff-font port) (+ttf-font port #:directory woff-directory #:probe (list #"wOFF") #:constructor woff-font)) ;; 181228: disk-based caching (either with sqlite or `with-cache`) is a loser ;; reads & writes aren't worth it vs. recomputing ;; (though this is good news, as it avoids massive disk caches hanging around) ;; ram cache in pitfall suffices (define (layout font str #:features [features null] #:script [script #f] #:language [lang #f] #:direction [direction #f]) (match (for/list ([c (in-string str)]) (char->integer c)) [(? null?) (glyphrun (vector) (vector))] [codepoints (define buf (hb-buf font)) (hb_buffer_reset buf) (when script (hb_buffer_set_script buf script)) (when lang (hb_buffer_set_language buf (hb_language_from_string lang))) (when direction (hb_buffer_set_direction buf direction)) (hb_buffer_add_codepoints buf codepoints) (hb_shape (hb-font font) buf (map (λ (fpr) (tag->hb-feature (car fpr) (cdr fpr))) features)) (define gis (hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos buf)) (define hb-gids (map hb_glyph_info_t-codepoint gis)) ;; `remove-duplicates` in case we get a funny codepoint that expands into multiple glyphs (rare but possible) (define hb-clusters (break-at codepoints (remove-duplicates (map hb_glyph_info_t-cluster gis) eq?))) (define hb-positions (map hb_glyph_position_t->list (hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions buf))) (define glyphs (for/vector ([gidx (in-list hb-gids)] [cluster (in-list hb-clusters)]) (get-glyph font gidx cluster))) (define positions (for/vector ([posn (in-list hb-positions)]) (apply +glyph-position posn))) (glyphrun glyphs positions)])) #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/index.js |# #| approximates https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/base.js |# (define (query-fontconfig fam [bold #f] [italic #f]) #| https://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html Fontconfig provides a textual representation for patterns that the library can both accept and generate. The representation is in three parts, first a list of family names, second a list of point sizes and finally a list of additional properties: -:=:=... |# (define pat-str (string-join (filter values (list fam (and bold "bold") (and italic "italic"))) ":")) (define fp (fc-name-parse (string->bytes/utf-8 pat-str))) (fc-config-substitute (fc-config-get-current) fp 'FcMatchPattern) (fc-default-substitute fp) (define-values (res pat) (fc-font-match #f fp)) (for/hasheq ([str (cdr (string-split (bytes->string/utf-8 (fc-name-unparse pat)) ":"))]) (let loop ([kv (string-split str "=")]) (match kv [(list k) (loop (list k "True"))] [(list k v) (values (string->symbol k) (match v ["True" #t] ["False" #f] [(? string->number) (string->number v)] [val val]))])))) (define local-fallback-font (query-fontconfig "")) (define (family->path fam #:bold [bold #f] #:italic [italic #f]) (define res (query-fontconfig fam bold italic)) (define respath (string->path (hash-ref res 'file))) (cond ;; user explicitly asked for the local fallback, so it's ok [(equal? (string-downcase fam) (string-downcase (hash-ref local-fallback-font 'fullname))) respath] ;; result path is different than fallback, so it's ok [(not (equal? respath (string->path (hash-ref local-fallback-font 'file)))) respath] ;; result path is same as fallback, and fallback not requested, so fail [else #false])) (define (open-font str-or-path #:bold [bold #f] #:italic [italic #f]) ;; rather than use a `probe` function, ;; just try making a font with each format and see what happens (define str (if (path? str-or-path) (path->string str-or-path) str-or-path)) (or (for*/or ([path-string (in-list (list str (family->path str #:bold bold #:italic italic)))] #:when (file-exists? path-string) [port (in-value (open-input-file path-string))] [font-constructor (in-list (list +ttf-font +woff-font))]) (with-handlers ([probe-fail? (λ (exn) #f)]) (font-constructor port))) (raise-argument-error 'open-font "valid font" str-or-path))) (module+ test (require rackunit racket/struct racket/vector) (define charter (open-font charter-path)) (define charter-woff (open-font charter-woff-path)) (define fira (open-font (path->string fira-path))) (define otf (open-font (path->string fira-otf-path))) (for ([charter (list charter charter-woff)]) (check-equal? (font-postscript-name charter) "Charter") (check-equal? (font-units-per-em charter) 1000) (check-equal? (font-ascent charter) 980) (check-equal? (font-descent charter) -238) (check-equal? (font-linegap charter) 0) (check-equal? (font-underline-thickness charter) 58) (check-equal? (font-italic-angle charter) 0) (check-equal? (font-cap-height charter) 671) (check-equal? (font-x-height charter) 481) (check-equal? (bbox->list (font-bbox charter)) '(-161 -236 1193 963)) (check-equal? (glyph-position-x-advance (vector-ref (glyphrun-positions (layout charter "f")) 0)) 321) (check-true (has-table? charter #"cmap")) (check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (get-table charter 'nonexistent-table-tag)))) (check-true (let ([gr (layout fira "Rifle")]) (and (equal? (vector-map glyph-id (glyphrun-glyphs gr)) '#(227 480 732 412)) (equal? (vector-map struct->list (glyphrun-positions gr)) '#((601 0 0 0 0) (279 0 0 0 0) (580 0 0 0 0) (547 0 0 0 0)))))))