#lang racket/base (require racket/class sugar/container sugar/debug racket/contract racket/match racket/generator racket/list) (require "domain.rkt" "helper.rkt" "constraint.rkt" "solver.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) (define/contract problem% ;; Class used to define a problem and retrieve solutions (class/c [reset (->m void?)] [set-solver (solver%? . ->m . void?)] [get-solver (->m solver%?)] ;; todo: tighten `object?` contract [add-variable (any/c (or/c list? domain%?) . ->m . void?)] [add-variables ((listof any/c) (or/c list? domain%?) . ->m . void?)] [add-constraint (((or/c constraint%? procedure?)) ((listof any/c)) . ->*m . void?)] [get-solution (->m any/c)] [get-solutions (->m list?)]) (class* object% (printable<%>) (super-new) (init-field [solver #f]) (field [_solver (or solver (new backtracking-solver%))] [_constraints #f] [_variable-domains #f]) (reset) ; use method rather than manually set up fields ;; implement object printing (define (repr) (format "" (hash-keys _variable-domains))) (define/public (custom-print out quoting-depth) (print (repr) out)) (define/public (custom-display out) (displayln (repr) out)) (define/public (custom-write out) (write (repr) out)) (define/public (reset) ;; Reset the current problem definition (set! _constraints null) (set! _variable-domains (make-hash))) (define/public (set-solver solver) ;; Set the problem solver currently in use (set! _solver solver)) (define/public (get-solver) ;; Get the problem solver currently in use _solver) (define/public (add-variable variable domain-or-values) ;; Add a variable to the problem ;; Contract insures input is Domain object or list of values. (when (hash-has-key? _variable-domains variable) (error 'add-variable (format "Tried to insert duplicated variable ~a" variable))) (define domain (if (domain%? domain-or-values) (send domain-or-values copy) (new domain% [set domain-or-values]))) (when (null? (get-field _list domain)) (error 'add-variable "domain value is null")) (hash-set! _variable-domains variable domain)) (define/public (add-variables variables domain) ;; Add one or more variables to the problem (define in-thing (cond [(string? variables) in-string] [(list? variables) in-list] [else (error 'add-variables (format "Don’t know what to do with ~a" variables))])) (for ([var (in-thing variables)]) (add-variable var domain))) (define/public (add-constraint constraint-or-proc [variables null]) ;; Add a constraint to the problem ;; contract guarantees input is procedure or constraint% object (define constraint (if (procedure? constraint-or-proc) (new function-constraint% [func constraint-or-proc]) constraint-or-proc)) (py-append! _constraints (list constraint variables))) (define-syntax-rule (solution-macro solution-proc null-proc) (begin (define-values (domains constraints vconstraints) (get-args)) (if (null? domains) (if null-proc (null-proc null) null) (send _solver solution-proc domains constraints vconstraints)))) (define/public (get-solution) ;; Find and return a solution to the problem (solution-macro get-solution #f)) (define/public (get-solutions) ;; Find and return all solutions to the problem (solution-macro get-solutions #f)) (define/public (get-solution-iter) ; Return an iterator to the solutions of the problem (solution-macro get-solution-iter yield)) (define (get-args) (define variable-domains (hash-copy _variable-domains)) (define constraints (let ([all-variables (hash-keys variable-domains)]) (for/list ([(constraint variables) (in-parallel (map first _constraints) (map second _constraints))]) (list constraint (if (null? variables) all-variables variables))))) (define vconstraints (hash-copy ; converts for/hash to mutable hash (for/hash ([variable (in-hash-keys variable-domains)]) (values variable null)))) (for* ([(constraint variables) (in-parallel (map first constraints) (map second constraints))] [variable (in-list variables)]) (hash-update! vconstraints variable (λ(val) (cons (list constraint variables) val)))) (for ([(constraint variables) (in-parallel (map first constraints) (map second constraints))]) (send constraint preprocess variables variable-domains constraints vconstraints)) (if (for/or ([domain (in-hash-values variable-domains)]) (send domain reset-state) (null? (get-field _list domain))) (values null null null) (values variable-domains constraints vconstraints)))))