#lang debug racket/base (require racket/string racket/hash racket/match racket/list racket/struct txexpr sugar/list racket/function "quad.rkt" "param.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) (module+ test (require rackunit)) (define (update-with! h . update-hashes) (apply hash-union! #:combine (λ (v1 v2) v2) h update-hashes)) (define (update-with base-hash . update-hashes) ;; starting with base-hash, add or update keys found in update-hashes (define h (make-hasheq)) (apply update-with! h base-hash update-hashes) h) (module+ test (check-equal? ((hasheq 'foo "bar" 'zim "zam") . update-with . (hasheq 'zim "BANG") (hasheq 'toe "jam") (hasheq 'foo "zay")) (make-hasheq '((zim . "BANG") (foo . "zay") (toe . "jam"))))) (define whitespace-pat #px"\\s+") (define (merge-and-isolate-white str) (for/list ([(m idx) (in-indexed (regexp-match* whitespace-pat str #:gap-select? #t))] #:when (non-empty-string? m)) (if (even? idx) m " "))) (define (merge-adjacent-strings xs [isolate-white? #false]) (let loop ([xs xs][acc null]) (match xs [(== empty) (reverse acc)] [(list (? string? strs) ..1 others ...) (loop others (append (reverse ((if isolate-white? merge-and-isolate-white list) (apply string-append strs))) acc))] [(cons x others) (loop others (cons x acc))]))) (define run-key 'run) (define (same-run? qa qb) (eq? (quad-ref qa run-key) (quad-ref qb run-key))) (define (atomize qx #:attrs-proc [attrs-proc values]) ;; atomize a quad by reducing it to the smallest indivisible formatting units. ;; which are multi-character quads with the same formatting. (define atomized-qs (let loop ([x (make-quad qx)] [attrs (hash-copy (current-default-attrs))] [key (eq-hash-code (current-default-attrs))]) (match-define-values (next-key next-attrs) ;; make a new run when we encounter non-empty attrs (match (quad-attrs x) [(? hash-empty?) (values key attrs)] [this-attrs (define next-key (eq-hash-code this-attrs)) (define next-attrs (attrs . update-with . this-attrs)) (hash-set! next-attrs run-key next-key) (attrs-proc next-attrs) (values next-key next-attrs)])) (match (quad-elems x) [(? pair? elems) ;; we don't use `struct-copy` here because it needs to have the structure id at compile time. ;; whereas with this technique, we can extract a constructor for any structure type. ;; notice that the technique depends on ;; 1) we only need to update attrs and elems ;; 2) we make them the first two fields, so we know to drop the first two fields of x-tail (define x-maker (let-values ([(x-structure-type _) (struct-info x)]) (struct-type-make-constructor x-structure-type))) (define x-tail (drop (struct->list x) 2)) (append* (for/list ([elem (in-list (merge-adjacent-strings elems 'isolate-white))]) (match elem ["" null] [(? string? str) (list (apply x-maker next-attrs (list str) x-tail))] [_ (loop elem next-attrs next-key)])))] [_ ((quad-attrs x) . update-with! . next-attrs) (list x)]))) #;(trimf atomized-qs (λ (q) (equal? (quad-elems q) '(" ")))) atomized-qs) (module+ test (define (filter-private-keys qs) (for-each (λ (q) (when (hash-has-key? (quad-attrs q) 'run) (hash-remove! (quad-attrs q) 'run))) qs) qs) (struct $br quad ()) (define br (q #:type $br (make-hasheq '((br . "time"))))) (check-equal? (filter-private-keys (atomize (q (q "a b") br (q "x y")))) (list (q "a") (q " ") (q "b") br (q "x") (q " ") (q "y"))) (check-equal? (filter-private-keys (atomize (q (hasheq 'foo 42) (q "Hi" " idiot" (q (hasheq 'bar 84) "There") "Eve" "ry" "one")))) (list (q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Hi") (q (hasheq 'foo 42) " ") (q (hasheq 'foo 42) "idiot") (q (hasheq 'foo 42 'bar 84) "There") (q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Everyone"))))